The Talk

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After they had gotten to Remus' two bedroom cottage Remus had went to bathe Harry and find something for them all to wear, while Sirius got supper ready and popped out for five minutes to get some diapers.

So with Harry clean and clothed in one of Sirius' old t-shirts that had been given to/stolen by Remus, they had supper and for a brief moment even felt like a happy family.

After supper they all went into the living room. "So Harry, this is your Uncle Moony and I'm Uncle Padfoot. What do you say? Mah- oony and pa-adfoot."

Remus giggled at Sirius' antics, as did Harry though, they still couldn't get him to talk.

They had a really fun night, but after Harry fell asleep a gloomy shadow seemed to loom over them.

"We need to talk-" they said at the same time.

They both broke out into laughter before Remus goes, "you first."

Sirius takes a moment to calm himself down before saying, "It's just after everything that's happened, I thought maybe we could take a moment to talk about us. Before we get into all the heavy lifting."

Remus exhales a breath of fresh air before responding, "Sirius, I've been slowly falling in love with you ever since the day we met, and I think I first realized it when you punched that kid in 2nd year who was making fun of my scars. We've had our ups and downs but nothing has changed for me. I knew there was no possible way you had betrayed them.

"I never stopped loving you. And I don't want to stop now. I want us to raise Harry together, to be a family. And screw what anyone else says. It's what I want and it's what James and Lily would have wanted."

Sirius is teary eyed by the end of that. He practically jumps into the taller man's arms. "Do you really mean that?" He asks. "You want to pick up where we left off? You want to be a family?"

Remus looks into Sirius' eyes and says, "I've never wanted anything more."

And then Sirius' lips are on his. But it's soft and slow, and it conveys everything Sirius is feeling that he can't put into words.

Sirius pulls away soon, "So tomorrow, we go shopping for Harry's basic necessities, get us some stuff too. Then the day after that we start looking for a bigger place, or either hire someone to renovate this place. And then once we do that we can get everything else."

"Sounds amazing." Remus replies before picking up a sleeping Harry and they all head to bed.

Two chapters back to back? Yes, I'm back.

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