Christmas Eve

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¨So what do you think we should get them all for Christmas?¨

Sirius shrugs,"I don't even know how many kids she has, perhaps we should write her a letter."


Dear Molly and Arthur,
It's Sirius and Remus here and we were wondering how many kids you have, so we would know what to get them for Christmas.
Remus and Sirius


Dear Remus and Sirius,
I appreciate the thought, just know it is not mandatory to bring gifts. On the matter of my kids, I suppose I should probably tell you either way it goes.
There's Bill, who's 11. Then, there's Charlie, he's 9. Percy is 6. Fred and George are 4, troublemakers they are, please, if you do get them something, don't make it something they can cause trouble with.
And then my two youngest, Ron and Ginny. Ron will be 2 soon and Ginny is only a few months.


"Okay, I have some ideas," Sirius says after they finish reading Molly's letter.

"For Bill and Charlie, we could give them our vintage gobblestone and wizard chess sets that we no longer use."

"Okay and everyone else?"

"We could do fireworks for everyone and let the younger kids ride Padfoot. Oh and we could get Ginny a Teddy bear."

"That sounds amazing." Remus says giving Sirius a light peck on the lips before going to check on Harry.


"Look at all the flowers, love." Sirius says when they reach Lily and James' graves.

"Yeah, we should add a wreath or something." Remus answers, pulling out his wand to add more decorations.

"Look Harry, this is where your mom and dad are buried. They loved you so much and they were so brave. And wherever they are now, they're looking down on you, in adoration. They are so sad that they can't be here for you physically, but in your heart, you'll never part. And don't forget, you have me and Remus." Sirius tells the his godson.

And even though, Harry doesn't really understand that all now, he knows that one day he will.

Then they visit his parent's graves, more tears are shed. After a little while, they head to the Weasley's house.

I deleted the scene with Remus' mum. I actually found out she died before October 1981. And all I have to say is poor Remus, mans lost everyone for a minute there.

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