1|Her Protector

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Audrey POV

  "Audrey, we need to talk." He spoke almost robotically. His voice sliced through the tension filled air.

My fork clinged against the pristine plate as I shift uncomfortably in my seat. His cold stare made me want to run upstairs. I remain silent and still in my seat.

  "I think it's time for both of us to face change." He uttered the word without any significant thought.

Change? Isn't it too late?

Taking my lack of response as a sign of further explanation he continues. "You've been coped here far too long, under your mother's word. We both now see why she was so hard headed in-" I clench my fists as he runs his mouth.

"-I've decided its finally time that you attend school. Public school. I have always thought it'd due you good to learn to open up and work on your social networks, but your mother would always have other ideas-"

  "-Is that all." I stated with a sharp edge in my voice. I needed air, this, all of it was suffocating. He simply shook his head. "One more thing."

  "I hired an escort." My jaw-slaken face must've said enough than actual words because right after his left eye twitched. Why in the world would I need an escort?

  "I don't need any escort. Besides I have basically finished most of my credits to attend a suitable university of your liking. All of this is a waste of time-" I paused when I noticed his facial features blend into a stoic facade.

  "It never was up for discussion. Your sister and I spoke about it a few nights ago and we both agreed it would benefit your- your wellbeing."

"You spoke to Andrea?" I couldn't help but voice out my hurt.

Like the past few months, he completely brushed off my remark and continued speaking as if we were mere business associates.

I nodded at every other line that came out of his mouth, not fully trusting myself to continue biting my tongue. Excusing myself from what I thought was going to be an uneventful dinner I pick up my plate and cup and head into the kitchen. Leaving the dirty dishes in the sink I make a quick exit out the back door.

The sky was a wonderful blend of orange and red hues. The sun kissed the horizon line slowly inching down

I leaned against the wall next to the door frame. My head running wild with memories of the disastrous events that partook this early summer.


  "Hey Fernanda whatcha cooking." I grinned at my family's cook. She's worked here since I can remeber.

"You're favorite hija, arroz con pollo with a hint of lemon zest. Igualito como lo hacia mi mama!" she gushed partly in Spanish. (Rice with chicken; Just like my mama used to make it)

I hummed in response. "Se escucha bueno..." I took a whiff in her direction, "Y huele bueno." (It sounds good; and smells good)

"Stay mijita. Has me compania."
(Closest translation: my daughter;
Give me company)

"Ok deja me agarrar mi libro, let me go find my physics book from the study. Ahorita vengo." I reply. (I'll be right back)

  "Just don't take too long or else no arroz con pollo for you!" she said seriously. I gave her a slight teasing smile in return and skipped off.

Her Protector #1Where stories live. Discover now