15|Pillow Talk

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*Short chappie*

When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

-Imagine Dragons, Demons

Audrey's POV

I stare at his every movement. He grabbed two chairs from the kitchen and turned them backwards facing away from each other. He disappeared upstairs and came back a few minutes later with my bed sheets and pillows. He placed the thin one on top of both chairs creating a roof. He grabbed the couches pillows and spread them on the floor in the tent and added the thick duvet over.

"What are you doing." I whispered because honestly why not.

"Pillow fort." He answered giving me a smile.


"Because everyone should make one." With that said he walked over where I was and took my hand and wrapped it with his. He pulled me up and ushered me in the tent.

Once I sat criss cross apple sauce he leaves the tent and turns the living room lights off. He enters with my two pillows and hands me one.

"This is stupid." I tell him not feeling in the mood.

"No this is fun." He corrected me. He stared at me patiently.


"Nothing." He muttered.

I place the pillow behind me and I lay down. An awkward silence surrounded us in the fort. "Do you wanna talk about it." He whispered.

"The woman you saw at school is my mother."

"She made that pretty clear." He cleared his throat.

"Huh right you were there when we argued." I muttered pointing out the obvious.

How could you forget

"She cheated on your father?" He asked quietly.

"And guess who found them? Me of course. But at least she had the decency of using a guest room, right?"

"How do you feel about the situation?" He asked seriously.


"How do you feel?" He questioned.

"Fine, it happened, now I move on."

I turn around and stare in his dark chocolate orbs before retiring my gaze to the covered ceiling. After hearing a heaving sigh I hear the following, "How do you feel." I feel cool air against my ear.

"I told you. I'm fine." I stay true to my words and try to ignore his presence that was merely inches away.

"I'll stop asking once you stop lying." He sang getting closer.

"Who told you I was lying?" I mutter.

"How do you feel?" He asked once again.

"You really want to know!?-" I snapped seething now. "-Really? I witnessed everything! I discovered everything. Yet I'm my own comfort! I'm the one to blame. Or so it feels like that. I'm angry because once it all happen my father treated it as nothing the next day. I could see him hurt! I fucking bet he saw me hurt! Seconds, minutes, hours passed! Tears blurred my eyes as I raised my voice higher.

"Months later my sister came! She just walked in and was told. They hugged each other they fucking hugged each other! Where was my damn hug! Who was there to tell me everything was going to be alright? No one. Instead I get sent away to school with a babysitter." I chuckle acidly.

"I come home every damn day lying how my day went when my sister asks in front of my dad." I stand from my laying position and cross my arms my eyes getting teary eyed. I was just so frustrated and angry. Everything had been bottled too long.

"I fought with my best friend. I still haven't amended things with my other friend. So once I'm out of school ready to just go home and forget today, mommy comes. She says how sorry she is and how she couldn't help it! Why now! Why? She had multiple months to come and fix things. But she chose today to say sorry!" I huff.

"So Mr. How Do You Feel, did that answer your question? Or do you still want more?" I snapped not realizing my voice got louder. I didn't want these feelings. I wanted someone else to carry this load. And as selfish as it was, that lucky man seemed to be Silas.

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