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Quote Above:

It's not always the tear that measures the pain. Sometimes it's the SMILE we fake.

- Unknown


Audrey POV

I physicallly fight the urge to flinch at the sound of my dad's chuckle, provoked from one of many antics my sister's capable of. My lips automatically curl up when my sister turns around to face me.  The fake, cheek aching grin went undetected by the two beings in front of me.

  "So Audy how was school." My sister asks.

  "Good. Pretty good."

  "C'mon it had to be more than just good! Don't spare any details!" She urged.

You're right it wasn't just good it was downright awful. School wasn't built for a clumsy, anti-social fool with no filter.


I sit beside Scott quietly swinging my legs back and forth on the stool. We both had decided to sit out our physics lab. According to Scott, we were bound to redo it next week anyway. Something about the student teacher not having full control of the lecture. Lessons in this class always seemed to repeat once or twice.

"We should go out sometime. Like for lunch today, we should go to Mickey's. Dude, I'm down if you're down." Scott spoke quick and excited. "I'm really craving a double cheeseburger now. Aw man now I'm hungry."

Scott continued to talk as I observed how Silas interacted with his lab partner. She swung her head back in laughter at something he said. He shook his head with a small smile on his lips. Both of them faced eachother smiling and sharing small nudges.

Silas's lab partner leaned forward and reached for his soft looking tousled hair- "Earth to Audrey! Aye you good mate?" Scott waved his large hand over my face. "Oi I don't like being ignored. I told you it makes me feel some type of way. Like an underappreciated pole dancer! I do my rounds, up and down and all around just to get three dollar bills get thrown at me. Do you know how degrading that it? Three bills for nearly breaking my back trying to touch my ass on a pole? Fucking heartbreaking-"

Silas slumps down his broad shoulders shaking from what I assume is laughter. She crosses her arms playfully glaring at him.

"Hello? Hi I believe we haven't met- oh. Oh!" Scott ends suggestively.

"You sly, jealous binch! Of course! You've got the hots for your escort-" I slam my palm on his cheeky grin before he can say it even more obnoxiously louder. "Scott, lower your voice!"

"Mhmm hmm!" His bright blue eyes light up mischievously. He tugs my hand off his mouth with no avail until he has the bright idea to lick me.

"Eww Scott that's so unhygienic! You don't know where my hands been!" The words leave my mouth before I can stop them. And ofcourse the rest of the class decides to quiet down as soon as I said them.

"Oh, don't I know it." Scott digs my grave further by winking at the end.

I feel myself freeze and my face burn red from the stares around me.

Almost as if by impulse I glance at Silas's direction to find both their attention on me. His partner leans in and whispers something that causes a quiet chuckle to escape his lips.

That seemed to be the last stick to derail the dam of panic hinged behind my chest. "I-I didn't  mean it like that. My hands are- they are clean. I don't do- I- they're clean!" I squeak rubbing my hand on my jean clad thigh. I glance at Scott who once again appears to be completely unaware of the attention we attracted.

"Oh sure! It's fine to admit it Audrey. We are all classy, lonely individuals who are mature enough to-"

"Scott!" My voice was wobbly and high pitched. I could feel absolutely fuzzy. My head felt like it was miles away and my heart pumped harder in my chest just to catch up. White noise rang in my ears as Scott's once teasing expression morphed into a worried frown. "...wrong?" His lips moved but I couldn't decipher what he said at first.

I don't know how or when but somehow we were now standing outside of the class, in the hallway.

"...relax. It's ok... I'm so sorry-" Scott grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into his chest.

"I'm so sorry Audrey. I didn't know the others were listening. I swear to you if I noticed before I wouldn't have continued! Please breathe." He pulled me out of his embrace and steadied me at arm's length away. His brows furrowed worriedly and his light eyes glistened with guilt.

"Say something. Kick me, slap me, call me a disgrace to all bestfriends called Scott out there."

"I don't do those things." I interrupt tersely.

His lips curled up and he pulls me back into a hug."I'm sorry."


"I'm really sorry Girlie."

"Its ok Scott. Nothing we can do now. Its fine." I send him a reassuring smile as we both walk to our next period. Unfortunately for us this next class was one of two we didn't have together. Scott had English while I had my elective, yearbook.

"You're such a sweetheart. I don't deserve to call you my BFF."

"Yeah well that's such a shame. I only give free company to go to Mickey's  to my BFF's. Guess I'll have to go alone." I sigh sadly.

"I mean, hey now. Let's not take drastic measures here. We're all adults here." We reach my class and I turn to my BFF.

"Bye Scott."

"Goodbye my forever BFF!" He swoops down and pecks my cheek before walking off to his class.

I enter the class like usual and find my seat next to the window near the entrance. The teacher wasn't here yet and she always came in as soon as the warning bell rung. Crossing my arms on my desk, I rest my head and close my eyes.

However my blissful moment is cut short when I hear giggling and whispers near me.

"No! That's so TMI!"

"Yup, I was there when aid it. You should've seen her face."

"That's disgusting. That's on a whole new other level of attention seeking-"

"I mean I'm sure she didn't mean for others to over hear but like who's dumb enough to say 'I finger myself' in middle of class."

My body tenses as soon as those words click in my head. I peek over my arm to identify the gossiping Sally in pure impulse. My breath hitches when I see Silas's lab partner show another girl something on her phone.

"Someone posted on their snapchat a video of her walking out of class with Scott." She grinned as her friend took the phone from her grasp.

"This girl admitted to fingering in middle of class, #laketontingz? Alyssa that's just awful."

"I know, it only gets worse. Here let me show you." Silas's partner, or Alyssa, takes her phone back and starts tapping.

I don't bother listening anymore as they pass  by my desk. My face was now permanently red. The stomach clenching nerves I calmed mere minutes ago started to do somersaults.

I couldn't move or go anywhere for the matter. The bell had rung and I can very distinctly hear my teachers daily greeting.

What on Earth just happened?

Flashback over

Her Protector #1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon