5|Pickup Lines

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Scott -------->
(Changed image/New cast member)


Audrey POV

"Choose a donut any donut, except the chocolate covered one with coconut flakes." He grins.

We sit under a tree in the park. The green grass felt soft and prickly under my touch. My back touched the tree's bark and my feet laid tucked in my embrace. One hand keeping my feet tucked in my chest, while the other held a strawberry glazed donut with sprinkles. The donut held a great similarity to the infamous donut in The Simpsons.

"Hey wanna play a game." Scott asked.


"Okay. So its called Stranger Pickup. It starts- Wait are you okay with flirting?- Do you even know how to flirt?"

"Ofcourse I do!" The fib left my lips almost as natural as a monk at a bar.

"I kid, I kid! I'm just messing with you Girlie! It's not that serious anyway. I've played this with my cousins several times. It's pretty straightforward- you flirt a little bit here, twist your hair a little bit there. Throw 'em a Colgate worthy smile and pew you're done. Not that hard."

I think over what he said and shake my head no.

He frowns but then like lightning he switches it to his boyish grin he always has. "Wait here!"

Scott jogs away and slows his pace when he meets a girl. She has shoulder length curly raven hair. She wore jeans and a sweater. Scott stops in front of her and I can hear him introduce himself in a flirty manner.

The girl had this weird look on her face that showed amusement and confusion.

"Are you from Tennessee cause you're the only ten I see." Scott shamelessly flirted.

A chuckle escaped my lips before he kept saying more pickup lines.

A few more words were exchanged before she ended up shaking her head in amusement and walked away.

Scott then moved to his next victim.
"Hello gorgeous."

She nodded not looking up from her phone; seeming the least interested in him she ignored Scott's cheesy flirts.
"The alphabet has such sensual letters, but U and I together are much more sexier."

Scott eventually left the girl alone without a final thought and trudged away.

Two men probably in their early twenties came along holding hands. They were both handsome and well built. The one on the left was a bit lankier than his partner.

Scott made eye contact with me and sent me a thumbs up before strutting in their direction.

He started the same beginning and started throwing flirts to the lankier man. The man clearly looked amused whilst his partner gave blank stares to Scott not seeming as amused.

"Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!"

"I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together."

"Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful."

"Are you religious? Because you're the answer to all my prayers."

"Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile."

"Do you have a Band-Aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you."

"Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Cause you have a pretty sweet ass-"

Scott was cut off by the grabbing of cheeks by the slightly lankier man. The man cooed and started saying how cute Scott was. His partner clearly unhappy of the attention Scott is getting crossed his arms with an intimidating look adorned on his features.

The disgruntled man grumbled unheard words I couldn't hear, but Scott and the other man both clearly heard it. I could tell from the blush that spread across Scotts face that it was something inappropriate.

Knowing Scott these past few weeks I learned something. Scott never blushed. He was always causing it. Maybe for payback or fun he only knows. He's the joker that delays the class lesson for some laughs. He's the person teachers either dislike for his untamed nature or liked for his funny attitude towards things. He always had something to say.

But today Scott seemed speechless and embarrassed.

Scott got out of the man's hold and started explaining onto the situation.
His stance was awkward and the prominent blush never disappeared. "Er sorry for the confusion sir. I wasn't trying to steal your uh partner I um was..." Scott scratched the back of his neck.

The man who grabbed Scott's cheeks laughed at his excuses. While the other man had a small frown adorned on the lower portion of his face. He did not find it funny.

They exchanged a few other words and Scott walked my way as the couple once again hand in hand strolled the other direction.

Scott was just a few feet away when a new sudden confidence consumed me and I teased him. "Not as hard, huh?"

"You didn't even try!" He pouted bashfully.

"I didn't know you played for that team."

"I don't!"

* * * *

I returned home a few minutes before lunch and I gave a quick thanks and goodbye Scott. He surprisingly hugged me and messed my hair with his hand. We parted, he left, I entered.

The enormous house made me feel lonely. I remember just a few moments ago how that feeling was forgotten. A sigh escaped my lips and I made my way towards my room.
My plans of the early morning now seem to be my plans for the afternoon.

I grab a romance book and open it to a fresh chapter.

A new chapter to a new story of love.

A new chapter to many unknown characters.

A new chapter to pass the time.

A new chapter to forget the feeling of loneliness and enter a new world.

My new world.


Site of the pickup lines shown:

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