8|He's Sorry

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Hello dear flapjacks its me

If you are new hello I'm justdance3455

I like pizza and ice cream and I'm socially awkward.

Song above: Take A Walk by Passion Pit

Audrey POV

I continue my journey to my backyard where I haven't been there since that faithful day.

I remember all the memories of my mom and dad. My mom would tend and take care of the garden while my dad played with me just a few feet from where she stood.


"Papi! Nooo!" I giggle as daddy tickles my sides.

I escape and run towards mi mami. "Ma!" I screech as I feel arms wrap around my tiny waist.

"Oh Rob." Mami smiled before jumping on my daddy's back. Daddy made an 'oof' before falling over on his side. Mami laughed beside him while I sat on his tummy.

Mommy laid her head on Papi's shoulder while I place my hands on my daddy's cheeks.

I come closer and whisper,"I love you all the way to the moon and back."

He he kissed my forehead and whispered, " I love you all the way to the sun and back. Twice. But don't tell your mama. She'll get jealous."

I giggle and hear a clear of a throat.

"Oh don't worry about telling me." Mami jumped up and ran with my daddy right behind.

"Wait for me!"

I run to catch up.

Flashback Over

* ** *

I heave a sigh as the sun drowns and the moon takes its place.

I take a quick shower, dress in my pajamas, and finish any homework due soon.

While picking up my phone that lays next to me, I tap on the screen hovering over Scott's contact. In the third ring he answered.

"Hello Girly. You missed me? I too miss myself." He croaked followed by a hacking of coughs.

I wince through the phone before answering, "Hello to yourself, you sick."

"Me! Sick?! Hah never... Maybe." He sneezed before muttering sorry.

"So anything interesting happen while my presence was unheard of. I bet you a gazillion dollars that the teachers threw a party. Those sick bastards..." He ranted as well as pausing at every sentence to either cough or sneeze.

"Honestly though Girly, did you survive without me." He croaked.

I nodded but soon realized he couldn't see me.

"Er yeah. Yeah! I made a fr-friend. I think?" I muttered the last part feeling flushed.

"You replaced me! How could you! I thought our love was uniq- OW! No shouting, no shouting because then your throat hurts!" He rambled getting off track which was kind of cute.

Her Protector #1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora