30|Pt. 2 Their Background

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Hello my tulips!

The following chapter contains stuff about Silas, Scott, Nadia, and Derrick. I want you to put special attention Silas. I gave you all the clues you need about Silas.

Audrey POV

"It was a bloody long time ago Freckles, don't beat yourself on it." Nadia looked directly at me.

"Uh yeah, yeah continue." I cleared my throat. Many emotions seeped through me. But at the end I didn't know what to feel or how to feel.

She sighs but continues, "Asshole had a thing for Queen Bitch in secondary. We were cool and shit but then Scott found out about the rumors and was, well angry I guess."

"He was always the one caring for us and well he was like the mummy of the group. He'd cheer us up when we were down and just stick us together like glue, and he was a good person in general. He protected us like a mama bear would to their young. That caring motherfucker."

"He confronted us all and Asshole told him he wasn't interested in the least. Dry dick was alright 'bout the situation and said no either. Later, shit went under the bridge and we were back as the usual." She chuckled staring off distantly. We continued walking until off in the distance the familiar park Scott took me to was seen.

"But if we only knew that that was just a light drizzle compared to the storm that awaited." Nadia's voice turned icy.

"It was a normal day I guess. It was heading towards the end of secondary. Dipshit was joking and doing his normal shit as usual. Dry Dick, he kept flirting with girls enjoying the attention. Asshole, he's the one we- I should'a paid more attention to. He was less moodier than usual. He actually looked happy. And that day is when he broke the news."

" 'I'm dating Alyssa.' I quote is what he said. I remember everybody look'n at him as if it was a sick joke. No one besides me knew he liked the bitch so it came to a surprise. Dipshit being the supportive one took it alright and so did Dry Dick. I could've cared less 'bout who he dated, but I should've-"

"What do you mean by you should've?" I ask crossing my arms staring off.

"Well we should've expected something. I should've expected something. We thought nothing would change. We thought we'd still be the same 4 cool fucks. I felt so fucking blindsided so naive when it happened."

"Alyssa was just off from the first time I met her. She was cheery, preppy, bright and just like a can of glitter. Hard to get off. The exact opposite of Silas, or so she appeared. That same day he introduced her."

"She hanged out with us. She'd be with Silas talking or shit. She'd whine about stupid obvious things that annoyed the bloody hell out of me. I had multiple fights with her about her stupidity and the dumb shit she'd say, which did not please Silas. So Asshole backed her up in the most absurd stupid shit. Asshole and I were practically siblings. We loved to annoy each other and call each other names. That was us."

"Now I couldn't call him shit because his girlfriend was all over my ass. And it was fine. I'd point out the obvious to her comments and it was not fine. Everyday in the group it would always end up with me fighting Asshole and Dipshit trying to calm us down."

"I was through with their shit. I was a hurt, annoyed, angry 14 year old. She'd ended up making shit up about how I bullied her and how I hurt her emotionally. But it wasn't just me Alyssa had problems with or made. She manipulated Silas to think Scott was flirting with her and pretty soon accused him of kissing her. Silas being the dumb manipulated shit he was believed her and almost beat up Scott."

"Asshole was played like a fiddle. He was Alyssa's puppet and he didn't know it. Asshole and Scott never once were the same. Course they wouldn't when Asshole sided with a hoe than his best friend. Alyssa turned Asshole against Dipshit and I and now it was only Dry Dick left."

"I was pissed at Asshole for thinking I'd do all that shit. I don't bully. I admit I'm impulsive and blunt but not a bully. I for one knew I walked into her trap when I fought back with her now."

"Scott and I weren't on good terms either. We believed her about the things she said about each other and one thing led to another we were over. I believed her on his fault because he was a ladies man. Events like she claimed to have been through with him actually seemed surreal. His background didn't help him out. My background didn't help either as I was blunt and pretty much led myself to her trap beforehand." We now walked through the park.

"They dated for almost two fucking years. I went my own way Scott went his own and Dry Dick still was with them and their new group. We were in Sophomore when shit went down. Asshole was said to have been in the right place on the right time for his part."

"He walked behind to one of the restrooms only to find his best friend and girlfriend cheating on him. There is where everything went downhill..."

"Derrick?" I raise my brows as she nods sitting on a bench
holding her head in between  her hands. Where her elbows rested on her thighs.

"Clearly Asshole broke up with her ass and then the other two..."

"...Then they started dating." I finished nodding sitting next to her.

"But I don't understand, why get rid of you two, you and Scott? Why- How do you figure out what she said about Scott wasn't true? A-And-"

"Scotty boy and I- uh we spoke. We talked about it. We both had you as a mutual friend and it's very hard to not to talk or meet them even if you tried. I guess we grew older and we matured- sort of." She smiled towards the end as if remembering something.

"For your second one I guess there's many possibilities. She might've seen me as a threat or she knew at some point we would've gotten Silas to actually see things. For keeping Dry Dick with her I guess I don't know. Only she knows why she did what she did."

We sat there thinking. I thought of all the information I received. She reminisced.

"Do you plan on fixing things with Scott?" I mutter meekly both of us staring off into the distance.


"Yeah, maybe."

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