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Dedicated to luckistarz for writing bomb stories. I hope she comes back.

Audrey POV

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Audrey POV

"I'm bored! I legit think I might die of boredom!" Scott whined as his head thumped softly on my shoulder.

"Ugh!" He groaned.

"Where's Nadia?" I asked teasingly.

"Somewhere." He grumbled taking his head off my shoulder.

"What?" I grin as he sends me a dirty look.

"Don't you what me Girly." He glares frowning just as Silas approaches.

"Hey love." He murmurs kissing my temple before sitting on my other side.

Scott stares confused with one brow raised.

"Am I missing something?

"No?" I answer. The response coming out as a question also.

Scott leaned forward to catch Silas's gaze and gave him a "what the fuck is happening" look, to which Silas stared at him plainly.

"Huh so we're gonna act like I didn't see that?" He shrugged sarcastically.

Scott sighed before leaning in closer as if he was going to slip in some drugs.

"Are you guys dating?"

"Yeah Scotland, we are." Silas wrapped his arm loosely but dimly on my waist as Scotts mouth widened by the second.

"I veto it!" Scott raises his arm waving it.

"You can't veto it because you're not the damn president you moron." Silas grunted.

"You ugly ass motherfucker!" Scott muttered not too quietly before grinning again.

"The fuck man! Why didn't you tell me! Congrats! Best woman you'll find... Just keep in mind this. You break her I break you. Yeah? Yeah." Scott nodded reaching over and slapping Silas's back.

"I'll break you before I even think of breaking her." Silas grumbles as he settles down to just glare at Scott for hitting him.

"Great. So how long has this little secret been going on." Scott asked.

"A few weeks."

"2 weeks." Silas shrugged whilst answering the same time as me.

Scott whistles lowly before saying, "How didn't I notice! I knew you guys had a thing for each other I mean it wasn't obvious but there was always tense air between both of you."

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