11|Taylor Swift

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(Audrey's action up top)
*without the champagne glass


Audrey POV

"Oh you're going to pay, Freckles!" Nadia charged at me in a menacing way.

My eyes widen as she's not even 4 feet away now from being across the hall.

The hall was pretty lonesome since almost everybody was in a class.

"What the hell Freckles! You fucking disappeared on me. Do you know how many drunks were there! Something could've happened to you! I spent the bloody whole night look'n for you!" she all but yelled, her accent thickening.

I stood there not sure what to say. "Sorry... I-I went with Silas."

"Huh-" she clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth whilst crossing her arms.

"-You left me for this motherfucking fuckboy-" she was cut off by Silas.

"I am no motherfucking fuckboy, Evergreen." he spat.

"Shut it you good for nothing asshole." Nadia growled clearly unhappy.

"You are so lucky you're a-" Silas chuckled dangerously as they both stood mere inches apart.

"-What! Huh! What were ye gonna say?" she glared, shoving Silas.

Oh shoot.

I quickly place myself in the middle and place my hand on Silas's chest and another on Nadia's shoulder.

"Hey hey hey relax ok. Calm down both of you. Nadia I'm ok and here-"

I felt Silas tense and Nadia go rigid.

Nadia suddenly plastered a smile and said, "You know what Freckles, I'll talk to you later once you're not with this fucking asshole." she walked off anger rolling off her in waves.

I remove my hand from Silas's chest and heave a sigh.

I look around and see Silas also walking off. "Hey wait, where you going class is the other way."

"Leave me alone." he muttered angrily. I quickly follow him to see him stop abruptly and turn around.

"I thought I told you to leave me the fuck alone." he growled.

"And I thought we were friends." I tested the waters.

He turns around and clenches his fists. "She is so fucking annoying."

"She's my friend."

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from her."


"I remember very clearly." he faced me his dark eyes focusing on mine.

"Well I don't." I grin cheekly.

He scoffs smiling for a split second before returning to his famous scowl. "You should head to class."

"As should you." I answer.

"Let's go then."

* * *

I sit uncomfortably at the dinner table. My dad faced me and I faced him. My sister was late to dinner which isn't usual but not rare. I eat my food in silence.

I hope she comes. My conscious whispers.

"So how's work." I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Fine." Clearly knowing there was no escape.

I nod and bite back the anger waiting to be released. But I don't let it roam. I corner it all the way to the back of my head, tucked with other meaningless junk.

Out of nowhere Andrea appears looking flustered and right behind her stood a disgruntled Silas. My father smiles truly as they appear.

Everything painfully drops to my stomach. The lump in my throat throbs painfully and the anger tucked in meets sadness to cause chaos in my head. My heart painfully lurched and my palms turned sweaty.

"Sorry I'm late. I- I was out when I bumped into him and I invited him to dinner." She smiled. She was here, this is what I wanted yet I wanted her gone now.

I dared not meet anyone's eyes but concentrate on the poor job my heart did to keep me alive. My emotions begged to be set free; anger, frustration, sadness, and disgust.

Anger for all the months I've been ignored and things I've never said.

Frustration for everything unraveling upon my eyes and me not doing anything.


Sadness for the cheer I can not cause and how they look like a happy family.

And disgust because I can not be them.


Yet the only thing I do to show all these emotions is smile. I smile a painfully forced one.

"Hello." I smiled connecting to two dark orbs.

* * *

Everyone talked and I only watched. I was at one end and my dad was at the other. Andrea sat on one side and Silas on the other. I observed as conversations where given. Different topics layered each other and smiles and laughs were shared.

Fernanda interrupted my gaze and she whispered, "Acompaña me." As she picked up the dishes.

I excused myself and picked my dishes and followed Fernanda to the kitchen. I get nods from everyone except for the dark eyed boy.

"Hey what's up." I smiled but it soon turned to a grimace.

"Que tienes hija. You look so sad." Fernanda frowns.

"Nothing. Nada." I shake my head.

"Como que nada hija-" she glared. The once nice fragile looking woman was replaced by a fierce angry looking woman. "- no me veas la cara de mensa. I am far from it young lady."

"I just had a stressful day. That's it. I'll be in my room if you need me."

I don't wait for a response which is my number one mistake and I walk away which is my number two mistake. I enter my room and plug in my earbuds into my phone. I go through my music and blare Taylor Swift. This isn't even a break up but it sure as hell hurts like one.

I'm half way through We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together when I hear knocking at my door. Before I even answer an angry looking Fernanda comes in and closes the door behind her. "Never piss off a Mexican woman because she will hunt you down until you explain."

I roll my eyes and rest my head on my wall. "Leave me alone. I just want to listen to Taylor Swift alone."

"Boy problems huh." Fernanda comes closer and I feel my bed dip.

I don't answer but feel every emotion surface. The look on their faces and the way they laughed. I choked up before clearing my throat and closing my eyes.

"Hija..." She murmurs slowly. I feel her come close. "Es el chico, no?" She hugged me.

I once again don't answer but my breath quickens.

"I see the way you look at him. I see the way you're eyes brillan when he's here. I see the way you have a slight smile when he's around. I see the way you brighten up. I also see the way your sister sees him." I breathe in at that said.

"It's ok." She whispers wrapping her arms around me and my head tucks in her neck. Her rosy perfume filled my senses with something that I lost. She smelled like home. Yet that didn't fill the whole completely.

"Let it out Dulzura." She whispered.

Everything I grasped fell and I embarrassedly croaked. 

"I just want to listen to Taylor Swift alone."

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