25|Cherry Flavored Medicine

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*Short chapter*


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Audrey POV

"Where do you want to speak?" I cleared my throat.

"Uh just follow me." He avoided my gaze also.

I nod not sure if he saw but followed behind his tall figure. Today he wore a navy blue fitting t shirt that snugged his frame. Slight muscle could be seen as he moved. He had sexy broad shoulders. How are shoulders sexy?! His jeans fitted him nicely.

How had I never noticed?

We enter the empty drama class and he lets me pass by first and he closes the door behind me.

"Where do I start." I heard him mutter under his breath.

"I don't know?" I shrugged answering his indirected question.

I turn around to find him massaging the nape of his neck looking directly at me.

"So uh-" I started as he also spoke.

"Audrey I-"

I motion for him to continue and he does.

"Look in these past few months I've met you... I uh-" he sighed deeply stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I had grown fond of you. It started around the time you where drunk off your mind- I mean... You were pretty beforehand and uh yeah. You still are you know." His voice hinting frustration.

"Ok the first time I met you I acknowledged your features. But as you already know. I thought you were like all the girls at school. Like- Never mind. Um anyway I tried to not know you or socialize with you because I thought I knew you already and I was scared. Scared to know who you truly are."

"So I did all that shit and failed sometimes to go through the stupid plan. Months passed and I realized you're not bad as I thought I knew. Then I started getting fond of you and you know the rest." We ignored the late bell.

"And- you know what I'll just tell you." He completely looked nervous and frustrated.

"I like you. I like you a lot ok." He walks closer and staring into my eyes.

"I find it cute how you scrunch your nose when you don't like something. I like it how your freckles decorate your pretty face. I like it how you're nerdy and worry about the simplest tests or things. You're adorably shy and it fits you so well. You furrow your eyebrows every time you're the slightest confused or frustrated. I like how you act like you." He leaves a few feet between us.

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