3|Avoidment At Its Finest

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Audrey ------>

I'd take another chance take a fall take a shot for you, oh, I need you like a heart needs a beat but its nothing new, yeah, I loved you with the fire red now its turning blue and you say sorry like an angel heaven let me think is you but I'm afraid

One Republic


Audrey's POV

"He's a walking piece of shit. He acts all high and mighty. Stuck up asshole. Scott rants while walking me back to his table.

"He doesn't seem too bad." I try to lighten the matter. However Scott shoot me an incredulous look, "Really Audrey? I bet you my grandma's bullet bra not even satan himself thinks he's not too bad. Jesus not too bad my ass." answer shrugging. Scott shakes his head changing the subject.

* * * *


I trudge to the parking lot being mindful of what Silas's car looked like. As soon as the bell rang I had zoomed out of class in order to be less of a nuisance. 

I look around and immediately spot Silas lean lazily against his car on his phone. Once I'm feet away he taps his screen a few times before walking to the driver's side of the car.

Inside, he puts his phone away and reaches to turn on the ignition. "Your seatbelt?"

"Oh sorry." My hands jerk to one side reaching for the seatbelt. I tug the strap and to no avail does it budge. "Stupid belt." I tug harder feeling a heavy weight pile on my chest. "C'mon-"

"Stop tugging..." Thick, tan arms reach over me and warm, rough fingers pry my hands off the seatbelt. Taking away the the belt he tugs gently and like magic the belt moves. I watch how his muscles flex under his short sleeve and smell the faintest scent of detergent.

And like nothing he moves back to his spot and drives out of the school campus. It's when my chest starts aching that I realize I held my breath the whole time he reached over. Trying to be discreet in my exhale, I shuffle closer to the window and peer outside.

  I was tired, emotionally and physically. I felt overwhelmed. Never had I gone to a building where it nearly was high sky full of teenagers.

Once I reached home I got out with my bag and looked down as I climbed up the few stairs. Out of the corner of my eye I see a familiar car parked.

I shove that thought to the back of my mind. As soon as my dainty fingers make contact with the door handle, I hear a engine go off and zoom away.

I pull open the door expecting to be submerged in usual silence, but its not.

A loud laugh bounces off the walls along with a feminine giggle.

I walk towards the living room to see my dad and older sister laughing.

The image hurt. It brought back memories of weeks ago where I tried to make my father laugh, or just catch one of his contagious smiles. Seeing my older sister manage that below god knows how many minutes makes me feel useless.

They finally notice I'm here and my father immediately stopped laughing and now held a small grin, his eyes directed somewhere else the whole time. My sister, Andrea a full blown smile stood up and hugged me. I stood there shock. "Oh Audy, you've grown! Smile you oaf."

I manage to fake a smile.

  "So where's Fernanda! I haven't seen her in ages!" Andrea squealed.

"Don't act dull Andrea. You know very well where she is." My mouth runs before I can find any commen sense to stop.

"Audrey! What the hell is the matter with you? What vile manners did your mother teach you?" I flinched at the comment. He never snapped at us before, at me.

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