7|The Cafe

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Woop woop *raises the roof* an update in less than 5 days!


Audrey's POV

"That bloody sounded like I'm in a therapy group." She blew out smoke while waiting for a reply.

"Uh my name's Audrey, like I said, and I'm new here." I nod.

"I see Freckles. Do you have any friends?"

"Uh yeah, yeah you probably know him, Scott?" I wring my fingers whilst leaning against the brick wall.

"Scott? Scott... Ah the cocky, obnoxious dickwad. Thinks he's a funny shit." She muses.

"So you know him?" I ask.

"Know him? Freckles, darling I know him since the good ol' diaper days. You know where the only thing you did was shit, eat, sleep, repeat." She pursed her lips while her index finger and middle finger held onto the cigarette.

We stayed silent in a surprisingly unawkward silence til she finished her cigarette. The smoke made me cough a few times before I got used to it. I know for a fact I probably smelt like smoke, but I didn't care. I made a new friend -I think- and that's all that mattered to me at the moment.

After she got rid if the cigarette we walked in the school. Crowds at each locker and loud conversations everywhere. She stopped and we bid our goodbyes before going separate ways.

I walk away avoiding crowds and swerving suddenly stopping teenagers.

"Audrey." I turn around and inwardly groan when I see him walk briskly in my direction.

"I swear I'll stop sleeping in Crafts if you make me disappear." I whisper turning around to wait for him to catch up.

"C'mon big guy upstairs. Grant me a miracle like Frenanda's soap opera of a mystical white rose- Hey Silas!" I falsely grin.

"Where were you?" He cuts straight to the point.

I allow my grin to form into a frown as he impatiently awaits my response.

"I was outside by the fence, behind the school. Why what's wrong?" He stares incredulously.

"I saw you with her."

"Her? Oh! You mean Nadia! Yeah she was there too." I nod.

"You're not supposed to skip class-" he pauses before taking a step closer and whiffing up in the air. His eyes widen and if possible he appears even more irritated.

"Were you smoking?"

"What- no!"

"How am I supposed to explain that to your dad?" He grabs my wrist and pulls me along the hallway, away from the peering eyes and listening ears.

"You're not. Because there's nothing to explain." I groan exasperated.

"The stench of nicotine says otherwise. Was it Nadia? Did she make you smoke?" He pressed incessantly.

"Nadia? No! She wouldn't do that." I defend her as Silas snorts in disbelief.

"So you expect me to believe that you're a smoker?"

"Is it that hard to believe?" I ponder out loud. Jesus I need to step up my edginess.

Silas huffs in annoyance, patience warring thin. "I need you to stay away from her. She's a bad influence."

"How would you know? You never properly met her."

"Words travel faster than actions, sweetheart. It doesn't take much brain cells to acknowledge the fact she doesn't give two flying shits about anyone." Silas jiggles a door knob of an empty classroom before ushering us in.

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