Chapter 6

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     Two days had passed, and the Host Club nervously awaited an email from Reiko Sakamoto's lawyers. Even Kyoya- who had always been the most focused one in the group- seemed distracted. Reiko had spoken of doing away with the Host Club, which was comprised of the sons of the wealthiest and most prominent families at Ouran, like it was nothing. No one at Ouran Academy had that kind of confidence if they couldn't back it up. That posed the question: who was Reiko Sakamoto to think that she could take down such powerful people in just 1 week?

     It was not knowing exactly who he was dealing with that was getting to the club's vice president. After all, Kyoya prided himself on knowing everything there was to know about each and every one of the students at Ouran. But this time, he was completely in the dark; he didn't know who he seemed to have made an enemy out of and didn't know what the consequences of Tamaki's idiocy would be.

     Despite being exempt from the legal action Reiko Sakamoto was going to take, Haruhi too, was on edge. She didn't like seeing her fellow club members so nervous. The club had been closed for two days already, none of them knew when a police squadron would show up and take them all away, and they couldn't take the chance of that happening when guests were present. It would be bad for business. No guests, however, meant no activity for the club and meant that the boys had even more time to agonize over their actions.

     "What if I talked to her?" Haruhi wondered. She believed Reiko was a reasonable person. After all, she had enough sense not to include her in her "revenge" against the Host Club. Maybe she would be sympathetic if she told her about her debt?

     "Senpai, is it alright if I go early since we're not doing anything today?" Haruhi asked.

     Tamaki nodded dazedly and rocked back and forth in a corner, muttering about how he "wasn't fit" to go to prison.

     Saying a quick goodbye to the other members who were also too distracted to say anything back, Haruhi went off in search of Reiko Sakamoto.

     She found her at her locker, putting some things away before calling her limousine to take her home.

     "Sakamoto-senpai!" Haruhi called, successfully catching the older girl's attention.

     Reiko turned around, confused but curious when she noticed it was the first year who had called out to her. "Hello, Haruhi. It's been a while. How are you?" she asked, an amicable smile on her face. It was so different from the enraged expression she'd shown the last time they'd seen each other that it left the brunette momentarily speechless. The silver-haired teen was much prettier when she wasn't pissed off.

     "I'm good, thanks for asking. How about you?" She finally asked.

     "I'm doing well. I got some cream to take care of the rope burn. The doctor said that I should be able to take the bandages off soon," she mentioned, pulling up her dress sleeves and revealing the white bandages that were wrapped around her wrists.

     Haruhi winced. "Oh wow, I'm really sorry senpai."

     Reiko waved her off. "No need to apologize. It's not your fault... unless you had something to do with that idiotic plan of theirs?"

     The first year rubbed the back of her head. "Well, I knew they thought you were a spy and wanted to watch you, but I just thought it was an excuse because they were curious. I never thought they would tackle you or try to tie you up."

     The silver-haired teen hummed in acknowledgment and shut her locker. Her steel-gray eyes fixed on Haruhi and the brunette swallowed thickly as she felt herself grow smaller under her intense gaze. "So, tell me, what's a girl like you doing at the Host Club?" she asked suddenly.

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