Chapter 19

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     The next day, Reiko arrived at school halfway through the morning class session. Her father had asked her to attend a brunch meeting with him and Kaori and another member of their PR team to discuss how they were going to structure the official press release. During that meeting, her father had also informed her that they'd received an impromptu invitation to a soiree one of his close associates was hosting that weekend. Her father had accepted and wanted Reiko to attend as well. Since there was no time to plan what she was going to wear herself, she'd left her head maid in charge of selecting the dress. Although it saved her from having to miss all her morning classes, Reiko had to run back to the atelier during lunch to be fitted so the dress would be done in time for the party. Having to make last-minute preparations such as these however left the silver-haired teen in a particularly bad mood which continued when she walked into class just one hour before the midday recess began.

     Reiko's grey eyes were steely as she walked towards her desk, and the room seemed to freeze over behind her as if she'd brought in a blizzard.

     Kyoya watched her carefully as she took a seat beside him. This was the first time she had ever been late to class, and her expression was an obvious sign that something unpleasant had occurred. He wondered if she would be able to inform the Host Club of her decision after school that day, and if she would have the patience to answer the member's questions and attempts to change her mind.

     When classes ended, Tamaki was the first to approach the teen. The blonde gave her a bright smile as he bounded to her desk. "How is my favorite niece!" he exclaimed.

     "Niece?" She questioned. She turned to Kyoya, silently asking if he'd heard the same thing.

     Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he tilted his head. "Tamaki likens the Host Club to a family and assigns each member a role accordingly."

     "How strange," she commented.

     "It may be better to discuss this in the club room, Kyoya suggested.

     "Yes! Let's go right now!" Tamaki said. He grabbed Reiko's hand and ushered her out of her seat. He quickly lead her out of the classroom despite her many protests and exclamations that her things were still on her desk.

     "Now really isn't a good time for me to have this conversation," she tried as the blonde continued to pull her toward the club room.

     "Nonsense! Everyone should be here when you give the news!" he exclaimed.

     Reiko looked back at Kyoya, who'd followed them to the club room, silently begging him for help. Much to her despair, the raven-haired male completely ignored her pleas and pretended to be occupied with writing something in his notebook.

     Tamaki threw the doors open and burst into the room. He dragged the silver-haired girl into the room and sat her in a chair as he gathered the rest of the club members.

     Hikaru and Kaoru were the first ones to approach and sat down next to her, the former leaning on her shoulder while the latter began to play with her hair. She bristled at the contact and pushed them away slightly, but they paid her little mind.

     "Hey Rei-senpai," Hikaru greeted as he stretched towards her.

     Reiko sighed, too exhausted to tell them to get away from her.

     "We didn't see you at school at all this morning," Kaoru commented.

     "I came to school late," she explained.

     "Well duh," Hikaru said. "But why?"

     "Because of personal reasons," she elaborated. Her posture was stiff and while a smile stretched across her lips, her eye twitched with annoyance.

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