Chapter 43

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     Despite Reiko's attitude throughout the day, Kyoya (and the other club members) were still holding onto the hope that Reiko would walk through the doors to help them set up the music room for the afternoon's activities. Maybe she would be snippy, but it was better than her not showing up.

     Kyoya glanced down at his watch; there were only five minutes left until the club was supposed to open. His gaze shifted to the door, but there was no sign of the silver-haired teen. She hadn't even left an appointment schedule for them like she would have if she were missing a day. All they had was Renge, who was already giving the second year a headache by breaking a flower vase, three tea sets, and a desert tower.

     Things only got worse after they opened the doors. The blonde had insisted on taking on every responsibility that Reiko once had to prove that she was every bit as capable as the second year. The reality was that try as she might, Renge wasn't able to measure up to the second year and she threw the club into chaos.

     Since she hadn't seen Reiko use a schedule while at the club, Renge had attempted to do the same. What the first year didn't know, was that Reiko usually memorized the schedule the night before and after working at the club for a few weeks had memorized what hosts their guests usually scheduled with, so she rarely had to reference the document. As a result, she brought in clients at random completely ignoring the priority system that Reiko and Kyoya had implemented. Not only that, but most of the clients had been seated with the wrong hosts since Renge had no idea who they had appointments with.

     Kyoya had spent most of the afternoon fixing the blonde's mistakes while the rest of the hosts cleaned up the messes she made when she'd tried waitressing. Thankfully she'd disappeared a half hour before club was over giving the hosts at least a little bit of time to recover from her shenanigans. After the afternoon's fiasco, Kyoya was exhausted and sighed as he took a seat on the couch. He found himself staring at the door again and hoping that the next time it opened, it would be Reiko walking in with a cocky "I told you so" attitude so he could put the afternoon behind him as if it were a bad dream. That was just wishful thinking, of course.

     "I thought about it a lot last night and maybe having a lady manager isn't such a bad idea," Tamaki started though the shaky edge in his voice revealed that he wasn't as confident in his statement as he should've been.

     "Why do you say that?" the twins asked skeptically as they crossed their arms. Out of everyone in the club, the two first years were the most upset by Reiko's sudden quitting/firing, and Renge's actions that afternoon had done nothing to ease their bitterness.

     "Well, it's fairly obvious, isn't it? Renge just transferred into the same class as Haruhi," the blonde started. "So, if Haruhi has a girl friend around, it could bring out the female within her. Renge's girlish air of tenderness might be able to stimulate Haruhi's own sense of femininity!"

     "Good grief," Haruhi muttered with a roll of her eyes as she straightened out one of the tables.

     Hikaru narrowed his eyes at Tamaki. "Reiko's a girl too y'know."

     "Yeah, and she's older and not an otaku. If Haruhi needed a feminine mentor Rei-senpai would've been a way better option," Kaoru pointed out.

     Tamaki sighed and glanced at Kyoya who hadn't been paying attention as he longingly stared at the door. "I agree, but given the circumstances-"

     "Hey everyone!" a shrill voice pierced the room as Renge burst through the doors. "You'll be happy to know that your new manager Renge has baked all of you some cookies!"

     Tamaki's eyes widened and he choked on his next words before swallowing them. Twirling up to the honey-haired young woman he bowed and gestured to the bag of treats. "Isn't she ladylike? I'm so moved by your generosity!" he exclaimed.

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