Chapter 47

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     Reiko's eyes felt heavy when she tried to open them. Her head throbbed slightly, and she silently cursed herself for taking the painkillers the nurse had offered, they always made her sleepy and caused her to wake up with a headache. Eventually, her eyes fluttered open. She didn't know what time it was exactly, but she could tell it was sometime in the late afternoon. The sunlight flooded into the infirmary and bathed the room in a warm, golden light. Her gaze slowly swept across her surroundings and eventually landed on the familiar form of a certain dark-haired male sitting in a chair at her bedside.

     Kyoya hadn't noticed her yet. His attention was focused entirely on his cell phone as he sent messages and answered emails. Around this time, he would usually be working from home, but he didn't want to leave Reiko's side until she woke up. So, using his laptop and his cellphone he'd been doing what he could while he waited.

     The silver-haired teen watched as he typed away on his phone, completely oblivious to her awakening. Her eyes traced over his features and found it slightly annoying how he still managed to look handsome just sitting there. She wanted to deny that he was attractive since she was mad at him, but she wasn't about to lie to herself to salvage her pride. Reiko tried to distract herself by wondering what he was doing here, but when she came up empty she decided to ask him herself.

     "What are you doing here?" she asked.

     Kyoya's head snapped up from his phone. He set the device down as he got up to stand by her bedside. "How are you feeling?" he asked, "Are you experiencing any sort of pain?"

     Reiko cut him a look. "One day he's a jackass, the next he's a gentleman. I shouldn't waste my time with him," she thought. "I'll be a lot better once I get out of here," she said sitting up. "You didn't answer my question. What are you doing here, Kyoya?"

     The dark-haired male paused as the words momentarily failed him. It seemed like an eternity had passed since they'd spoken, and hearing her voice be directed to him was suddenly a novel experience. "I was waiting for you to awaken."

     "I hope you don't expect me to feel grateful."

     Kyoya fought a smile at the biting comment. "Not at all, rather I expected you to find my presence displeasing."

     "At least you're self-aware." As she slid off the bed, she scowled when she saw she was now in her gym clothes. "I have to walk out like this?" she wondered incredulously. She looked around for her things and sighed in relief when she noticed her bag was propped up against the wall by the nurse's desk. Her soiled uniform was stored in a vacuum-sealed bag next to it. Walking over to the desk, she grabbed her phone and texted her driver to come quickly with a change of clothes.

     "Reiko-" Kyoya started.

     "I'm currently indisposed to conversing at the moment. You'll have to excuse me," she interrupted as she grabbed her backpack. She didn't want to spend another moment in the same room with him if she didn't have to. When slid her arm through the strap, however, she hissed in pain. She'd completely forgotten about burning herself earlier and the strap scraped harshly against the sensitive skin.

     Gritting her teeth, she prepared to power through it until she got to another room, but before she could walk out of the room Kyoya stepped forward and gently removed the bag from her arm. His free hand, meanwhile, traveled down to wrap around her uninjured wrist to keep her from going anywhere.

     "Enough of that. We both know it isn't worth it to endure pain to prove a point. Believe me, I am more than aware of your anger towards me," he told her as he set the bag down on the floor. "You need to reapply the burn ointment the nurse gave you earlier and wrap your arm. She asked me to help you with it once you woke up."

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