Chapter 24

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     After club activities had ended for the day, the members of the host club gathered at one of the couches to discuss who would be overseeing different aspects of the party during the setup. Taking a seat beside Kyoya, Reiko opened her laptop to the shared document between them to record the details of the meeting.

     Since decorating the venue was the most time-consuming job, it was decided that Reiko would be the one in charge of it. It made sense since she would not be entertaining any of the guests. She was also the one primarily in contact with the decoration suppliers and knew the most about how the venue was supposed to be organized. Mori and Honey were tasked with guiding the musicians (a string quartet) to the stage they would be performing on. The twins would oversee the catering- making sure all the food they had ordered arrived on time and ensured that the display looked appealing. When it was time to assign Tamaki's role for the evening, the group turned to him only to find the blonde sitting at a separate table, mournfully eating a cup of instant ramen.

     "Hey boss!" Hikaru called out. "Why don't you stop eating that commoner's ramen and come over here to help us with the party planning!"

     "Does it really bother you that Princess Kasuga has taken a liking to Haruhi?" Kaoru asked. It was a logical conclusion; Tamaki had been acting sullenly since the first year announced Haruhi was her new favorite host.

     "He shouldn't be surprised, she's had the illness for a while now, hasn't she?" Kyoya piped.

     "Illness?" Reiko echoed. Kanako hadn't appeared sick at all.

     "What illness?" Haruhi asked.

     "She's got the host hopping disease," Hikaru shrugged.

     "A.K.A The never the same boy twice disease," Kaoru expanded.

     Reiko peered over Kyoya's shoulder as he pulled out his black notebook and turned to Kanako's profile. "Usually, our customers choose a favorite host and then see them regularly. However, Princess Kanako tends to change her favorites on a regular basis."

     "Before she chose Haru-chan, she was with Tama-chan!" Honey told them.

     "I see," Reiko said quietly, immediately understanding the situation.

     "Oh, so he's upset because I took her from him?"

     Tamaki whipped around and ran towards Haruhi. "SHUT UP I COULND'T CARE LESS!" he shouted in her face. "I'm running out of patience. Haruhi- it's time you started dressing like a girl!"

     Reiko sighed quietly, not finding his antics amusing.

     The blonde shook his head vehemently. "I don't understand how you can be so popular with the ladies when you yourself are a lady! No one in the entire school knows the truth except for those of us here!"

     Hikaru nodded. "Yeah, she opted out of taking gym classes."

     "And the attendance numbers are all mixed together so no one can tell," Kaoru added.

     They all watched as Tamaki dragged over a chest labeled 'King's Private Property.' "That's enough Haruhi, now you listen to Daddy-" he pulled out a large framed portrait of Haruhi from middle school when she had long hair –" Daddy wants you to go back to the way you used to be!"

     Her grey eyes glittered with mild amusement as she turned to Kyoya. "You actually ordered it for him?" she asked. Two weeks ago, Tamaki had pulled her and Kyoya aside to request a framed portrait of a specific photo and asked that it be kept a secret. Reiko had denied to, already knowing that Haruhi wouldn't be happy about the second year having a giant photo of her. It seemed that Kyoya, however, had agreed to order it for him.

     The dark-haired male shrugged. "It was a request from our king. How could I refuse?" he asked.

     She shook her head and let out a quiet laugh. "Of course."

     "Don't go blowing up my photos without asking me first!" Haruhi shouted at Tamaki.

     "The more I looked at this picture, the more amazed I am," Hikaru said. "How could this, possibly become that?" he asked referring to her appearance when the boys had first met her.

     The brunette sighed. "The day before school started, one of the kids in my neighborhood got some gum in my hair. It's a real pain to get gum out of long hair, so I decided to cut it all off. I didn't care if I looked like a dude, y'know?"

     "A girl should never refer to herself as a dud! Mamaaaa!" Tamaki cried, "Haruhi's using those dirty boy words again!"

     "I'm sorry, but who's Mama?" Reiko asked.

     "Based on club position, I would assume it's me."

     "Look," Haruhi started, "I don't see what you're crying about. Working as a host I can pay back more of my debt. It'll never happen if I'm just an errand boy."

     "Hate to change the subject, but do you have any formal dancing experience? You'll need it at the party," Kaoru piped suddenly.

     The brunette sweatdropped. "Uh, no... but the party doesn't have anything to do with my quota, right? I'm not interested in going to events, so if I could be excused...?"

     Tamaki looked up from the ground; a triumphant look in his eyes replacing his tears as he stood up once more. "Definitely not. A refined gentleman must know how to dance. If you want to live the life of a host that badly, you're going to have to show us how far you're willing to go, Haruhi. I order you to master dancing the waltz in one week! And you will demonstrate it for us at the party or-" he said, spinning around and pointing at her dramatically- "I'll tell the entire school that you're a girl and knock you back down to errand boy!"

     The blonde spun around to face Reiko. "Reiko, cancel all of my and Haruhi's appointments for the rest of the week!"

     "What?" She asked, her eyes wide.

     "Haruhi will not be seeing any clients until she has learned the art of dance! And naturally, I will be the one to instruct her."

     "Tamaki, I can easily rearrange Haruhi's schedule to fit in dance lessons, but you are completely booked for the next two weeks! I advise against thi-"

     "I won't have it! I must teach Haruhi to dance. How else is she going to be successful at the week's party?" he asked as though it should be obvious.

     Reiko glared harshly at the club's president. Did he not understand that canceling all his appointments for the rest of the week was asking her to reschedule hundreds of reservations? Not to mention he had bookings made two and three weeks in advance; what was she going to do about those girls? Would their appointments also have to be moved back?

     Kyoya watched as his assistant shook with anger. He understood her situation perfectly as he had experienced the same thing several times and watched with interest as her expression changed from anger to an almost frightening calm.

     "Very well then, your highness, should I rearrange your schedule in whichever way I see fit?" she asked.

     Tamaki flinched at the silver-haired teen's expression. Her face was blank, but there was an angry glint in her eyes that told Tamaki he was in trouble. "...Uh... yes?"

     Wordlessly, the second year turned her attention back to her laptop and began rearranging all of the male's appointments.

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