Chapter 22

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     It was shocking how well Reiko fit into the Host Club's dynamic. It was as though they had known each other all their lives, and they all got along splendidly. Contrary to popular belief, despite her dominant and confident nature, the silver-haired teen quickly adjusted to her supporting role among the clubs' members and performed her duties beautifully. She had no issue not being in a leading position in the club and worked tirelessly to help the other members keep their guests happy and entertained.

     Unexpectedly, the person she got along best with in the club was Kyoya. Unlike in class, where the two constantly attempted to surpass each other, there was no competition during club. Rather, the energy that now surrounded them was much more balanced- an equal give-and-take partnership that allowed them to manage the club seamlessly. Though these changes were subtle and occurred in the Host Club's background, the effects they produced were very much visible, and it wasn't long before the other members and even the club's guests noticed.

     After the last of the day's guests had left, the club members sat down to enjoy their own company and start planning the party they would be hosting within the next month. Party planning, however, was abandoned after a few short minutes as most of the hosts got wrapped up in their conversations and activities.

     Haruhi watched the people around her; everyone had content smiles on their faces, and while the hosts were far from quiet, there was a certain tranquility that had fallen over the club. "Is it just me?" she asked, "or does the club seem more...peaceful."

     The host looked up at her and simultaneously realized she was right.

     "Yeah... you're right," Hikaru said.

     "Some of the girls were talking about it earlier, too, about how the club's atmosphere has changed," Kaoru commented.

     "We haven't made any significant changes recently; I wonder what it is?" Tamaki wondered.

     "I don't know," Hikaru started, "but one thing's for sure, the biggest change has been those two." He nodded towards a table a little way away where Kyoya and Reiko sat together, going over something on the former's laptop. There was a minimal distance between them, their shoulders only centimeters apart. As they spoke, their expressions remained mostly neutral, but they seemed to be entirely focused on discussing the details of the upcoming party.

     From a superficial standpoint, Kyoya and Reiko's relationship couldn't be perceived as anything but professional. They were just two people working together. The hosts, however, saw past that. Though they knew very little about the club's newest member, they knew Kyoya exceedingly well. They noticed everything: the slight relaxation of his posture, the way his body was always turned towards her, how his eyes never left hers when she was talking to him, and there was a barely hidden softness in his irises as he listened. And compared to how she was when they'd first met her, Reiko was different too. She had more or less warmed up to all of the club members, but there was something different about the way she interacted with Kyoya that caused her gestures and words to be a little less unfeeling, and that caused her eyes and smile to be just a little bit brighter than with others. There was an inexplicable but undeniable magnetism between them that was evident just by observing them.

     "It's so weird to see Kyoya-senpai actually being nice to someone," Kaoru mused.

     "Reiko too, she was distant for a while too, wasn't she?" Haruhi pointed out.

     "They've certainly warmed up to each other quite a bit," Tamaki said.

     "Kyo-chan and Rei-chan are very similar, so I think it's great that they're getting along so well!" Honey exclaimed, happily taking a bite out of a slice of cake.

     "We think so too...but it's just..." Hikaru started.

     "...Out of character," Kaoru finished. "They hated each other until a couple of weeks ago, it's strange seeing them so relaxed around each other."

     Haruhi stared at the pair for a moment. "I don't think they ever hated each other."

     "Seriously? They were famous for how poorly they got along."

     The brunette shook her head. "Even if they did act that way... they always acknowledged and respected each other. I don't think you'd think highly of someone you seriously hate."

     "That's true... they've always been looking at each other with admiration. Now they simply have the opportunity to face each other properly," Tamaki commented.

     She nodded. To a certain extent, she agreed, but as she glanced once more at the two second-years, she couldn't help but feel that something was missing from Tamaki's statement.

     Completely absorbed in their conversation, Rieko and Kyoya hadn't heard any of what the Hosts were talking about despite only being a few feet away. Since their friends had abandoned their duties, it was just the two of them planning the club's formal that would take place in three and a half weeks.

     "Were you able to get permission from the school regarding using one of the dance halls?" the raven-haired male asked.

     Reiko nodded. "They gave us the largest one for two days at the end of this month; unfortunately, that means that both the setup and cleanup of the party will be rushed.

     "And we already decided on the catering and the color scheme for the décor. What of the music selection?"

     "Tamaki was supposed to take care of that today," she sighed. "I have some songs I believe are appropriate for a springtime ball, not enough to cover the entire evening though."

     "Do not concern yourself with that; Tamaki will provide a selection for us by tomorrow."

     Raising an eyebrow, she gave him a skeptical look. Tamaki was famous for being a flake when it came to these things. "You really think so?"

     A shadow passed over Kyoya's face. "I'll make him.

     Reiko smiled in amusement and nodded understandingly. "I'll take your word for it then. I believe this is all we can accomplish now, right?" she asked.

     "We could start ordering decorations and invitations, but I suppose that can wait until tomorrow."

     "We'll be very busy from now on, won't we?" she sighed.

     "Yes, will that be a problem?" he asked.

     The silver-haired teen glanced up at him in surprise. "No, I didn't mean it that way. I just have a few trivial matters to take care of," she told him. "It'll be simple enough to rearrange my schedule."

     "I was unaware you had personal matters to attend to," Kyoya said, looking down at her. He hadn't considered it before, but given her family background, it was entirely possible that she was already helping with the family business.

     "There are just some duties I must transfer to my father's secretary as I will now be occupied with the club."

     Kyoya nodded in understanding. "I see. That is an understandable decision, there is much work to be done."

     "I know," she said, cracking a smile. "I can only imagine the chaos you boys will inevitably bring."

     "Thank you for your hard work, we will continue to rely on you."

     Reiko hummed slightly, not trusting his gratitude a single bit. "Spare me the verbal flattery. I already know you'll be working me to exhaustion until then. You can thank me after the party Is a success."

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