Chapter 40

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     After taking a moment to make sure she was okay, Reiko and Kaoru escorted the club's few lingering guests out of the room so the club could deal with this issue privately. Once it was just them, the pair rejoined the group who had gathered in one of the sitting areas.

     "Your fiancée?" Hikaru echoed.

     "Whose fiancée?" Kaoru asked as they approached.

     Reiko remained expressionless as Hikaru silently pointed to Kyoya.

     Kaoru flinched. "Kyoya senpai's?" he gasped.

     "Of course!" their guest interjected. "My name is Renge Hoshakouji and I'm transferring into Ouran Academy's first-year Class A tomorrow."

     "Why is he sulking?" Hikaru asked as he looked at Tamaki who was sitting in the corner, tracing the edges of a wall.

     "Because mommy was keeping a secret from daddy," Kaoru supplied.

     Kyoya rolled his eyes, his fingers tapping against his leg in irritation. "Whatever. Why does everyone insist on referring to us like we're husband and wife?"

     "Who knows?" Hikaru shrugged.

     "Yeah, wouldn't you and Rei-senpai fill those roles better if you look at club responsibilities?" Kaoru mused. He watched as Renge bristled at the comment and shot Reiko a harsh glare which was completely ignored.

     The silver-haired teen had opted to observe for the time being until she found out the entire story. As her gaze swept across the room, she noticed the nervous glances the hosts were giving each other, all of them were wary of Renge's unanticipated arrival. Finally, her gaze settled on Kyoya who sat stiffly on one of the couches. He was being unusually quiet considering that Renge's announcement could spark quite the conflict between them given their "relationship." "Some tea might be a good idea," she decided. Silently, she stood up and left the group to discuss the situation among themselves.

     Reiko made the conscious choice to brew Kyoya's favorite tea. She knew Kyoya would never put himself in a position that could damage his reputation nor was he the type to forget he had a fiancée. His mind was likely racing to find a way to deal with this mess. The least she could do was offer a cup of tea to help ease his worries.

     Quietly, Reiko rejoined the conversation and set the tray down on the coffee table before distributing a cup to everyone.

     "Thank you," Kyoya acknowledge and immediately drank it, seemingly not caring that it was scalding.

     Reiko had begun moving to sit in an empty armchair, but the dark-haired male quickly changed his position on the couch to make space for her. Taking the hint, she smoothened out her skirt and took the seat beside him on the small couch. Once she was comfortable Kyoya shifted towards her. The movement was minimal, but he was now close enough so that their shoulders would brush against each other whenever they took a breath, and his knee was resting against hers. Whether they consciously ignored the distance or were completely oblivious to it, no one could tell. They simply stared at the pair while they momentarily tuned out of the conversation in favor of Kyoya pouring Reiko a cup of tea. She nodded in thanks as she took it from him and settled down. A moment later she realized that the room had fallen silent, for some reason everyone was staring at them, and she motioned for them to go on. "Please, don't mind me. Continue."

     "Ours is a story of love at first sight!" Renge said, smirking at Reiko before turning to Kyoya with a dreamy expression. "I couldn't resist the way you were adoring those flowers in the backyard when you thought no one else was looking. And how sweet it was when you reached out to that poor little injured kitten," she swooned.

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