Chapter 14

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     After telling Kaori and her father what had happened, Reiko was scolded for her carelessness. She was instructed to cease all unnecessary contact with Kyoya Ootori until after her official debut. She didn't dare argue against the decision, she was grateful her father wasn't pulling her out of school as Kaori had recommended.

     So after returning to class, Reiko did everything she could to avoid talking with Kyoya. Gone were the usual debates during class, the banter only they could keep up with, the smirks and occasional smiles as they passed each other in the halls, and the graciously disguised comments when she scored higher than him on a test. The friendship that had begun to spark between them was brutally stomped out by the silver-haired teen. Kyoya was forced to return to the role of a spectator in Reiko's life- someone she didn't see or acknowledge, and it bothered him- more than he cared to admit.

     Kyoya knew it was because she'd revealed something she shouldn't have that night on the phone. Whoever Kaori was, she was important and likely the key to solving the mystery that was Reiko Sakamoto. Unfortunately, someone had gone to great lengths to remove any hint of a relationship between Kaori and Reiko, and he hadn't turned up with any viable leads. He couldn't quite explain why, but the situation had him feeling as though he'd lost something important and left him colder and more aloof than usual.

     The Host Club, of course, had also noticed the sudden wall the silver-haired girl had placed between herself and Kyoya. Unlike their vice president, however, they were determined to do something about it.

     "Is it just me, or is Reiko-senpai acting a bit strange toward Kyoya-senpai?" Haruhi asked as she walked with the twins down the hall. They had passed by a group of second years, some of which Haruhi had seen talking to Reiko on occasion.

     "What brought that on?" Kaoru asked.

     The brunette shrugged. "Not sure. I just realized it, I guess."

     "We're not really sure what it is, but something definitely happened between them. Reiko-chan's been ignoring Kyoya senpai for a few days now."

     "Did they have a fight or something?"

     "No, nothing like that," Hikaru said. "The boss mentioned it earlier. He said he was worried Reiko was planning some sort of revenge on Kyoya-senpai since she'd pretended to be friends and then stopped talking to him."

     Haruhi tilted her head. "Were they friends in the first place?"

     "I dunno. The boss seems to think so."

     "I wouldn't be surprised either," Kaoru commented. "They seemed close... Kyoya-senpai looked like he liked talking to her, at least."

     His brother's eyes widened. "You don't think he's into her, do you?"

     "Who are you guys talking about?" Another voice asked.

     The three of them looked down to find Honey standing just in front of Mori. The blonde's eyes stared up at them with intense curiosity.

     "Kyoya and Reiko-senpai are fighting," Hikaru summarized.

     "They're fighting? About what?"

     "We don't know. She started avoiding him a few days ago, and Kyoya's been in a bad mood ever since," he explained.

     Honey looked at the ground thoughtfully. "I don't know!" he finally exclaimed.

     The rest sighed.

     "Let's ask the boss," Kaoru decided.

     Together, the five members of the Host Club walked towards class 2-A where Tamaki was standing just outside the door chatting with a group of ladies. Reiko was nowhere to be found, but they could see Kyoya already sitting inside the classroom, typing something on his laptop.

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