Chapter 48

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 "We're sorry Reiko!" the hosts exclaimed as soon as Kyoya opened the door for him and Reiko. The silver-haired teen paused at the entrance to Music Room #3 seeing most of the Host Club's members bowing to her as they apologized. She tensed at their sudden shout only to relax a moment later when she felt Kyoya's hand on her back gently pushing her into the room.

"We got you a cake Rei-chan so please don't be mad at us anymore!" Honey cried out. He broke from the group and ran over to her carrying a three-tiered cake on a silver serving platter that read Sorry Reiko! in frosting.

Reiko smiled down at the third year. "Thanks Honey-senpai. I appreciate you guys apologizing. I won't be mad anymore."

"Yay!" he cheered, jumping up excitedly.

The rest of the hosts collectively sighed in relief. Even though they knew that she and Kyoya had made up, they knew Reiko only extended her forgiveness to those who apologized. If they wanted her back, they all had to say they were sorry.

"Does that mean you'll go back to being our secretary?" Haruhi asked as she approached them.

Reiko raised an eyebrow. She'd already resumed her duties yesterday after Kyoya had asked her and was confused as to why he hadn't informed the rest of the group.

"Yes. As of today, Reiko has returned to being the Host Club's official secretary and manager," Kyoya spoke from beside her.

The silver-haired teen looked up at him in surprise. The edges of her lips twitched into a slight smile. "A promotion? This is quite a surprise."

His hand shifted to rest comfortably at the base of her spine as he looked down to meet her gaze. "It was well-deserved."

"Well, in that case, thank you. I'll continue to work hard."

"So now Rei-senpai's the new manager?" Hikaru asked.

"It makes sense since Renge went back to France."

"Yay! Rei-chan's our new manager!"

The announcement was followed by a round of cheers before they all retreated to one of the sitting areas to engage in a small, low-key celebration in honor of Reiko's return before club started. Honey set the cake platter down on a nearby table and began cutting everyone a slice.

A pleasant mood resounded in the room as the group chatted animatedly about a variety of things: cake, classes, and local gossip among other things. Reiko found herself quickly relaxing in everyone's company and a small smile curved her lips as she watched them.

"They're quite lively today," she commented to Kyoya who was sitting beside her on the couch.

The second year- who had been checking his emails on his phone- shifted his gaze to the members who were playing around. "They're all celebrating our manager's return."

"I don't know about you, but personally I never thought I'd see the day."

"The past months have indeed been pleasantly unexpected."

The silver-haired teen flashed him a playful smile. "You find me pleasant? You're too kind Kyoya."

Kyoya glanced down at Reiko. "There are moments in which your company has been enjoyable."

Reiko shook her head disbelievingly. "It almost pains me to admit that a part of me missed this."

"Missed what?"

"I won't explain it if you don't already know."

He scoffed. "And why not?"

"It's a matter of pride," she said standing up.

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