Chapter 42

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     The next morning, Kyoya sat at his desk tapping his pen against his notebook. Minutes passed and the pages remained blank. There was nothing to write but he felt restless and tried to channel that energy into something productive. After staring at his notebook, a moment longer, he glanced at the clock, it was ten minutes until class started. He looked at the empty desk next to him and sighed quietly.

     "Are you worried about seeing her?" Tamaki asked leaning on the desk next to him.

     Kyoya adjusted his glasses and continued looking down at the paper. "Why should I be?"

     The blonde looked at him, violet irises staring down disbelievingly. "Well, you two didn't exactly end the day on good terms yesterday. She might be angry."

     "If she's angry then she's more childish than I thought. What happened yesterday wasn't personal," he sighed.

     Tamaki pursed his lips. It was personal and he knew it. He also knew that there was no way Reiko was going to be as understanding about what happened as Kyoya hoped.

     The door opened and Kyoya quickly turned towards the sound to look at who had entered the classroom.

     Seeing his friend still, the blonde followed his gaze up to the door.

     Reiko seemed to drag the winter in with her as she walked across the room. Her expression was flat and disinterested and she spared neither male a glance as she passed them and silently sat at her desk. She pulled her morning textbooks out of her backpack and placed them on her desk. Once she was settled in, she turned to Ayame- who sat behind her- and started talking about their upcoming midterms.

     Kyoya scoffed and rolled his eyes. He said nothing to the silver-haired teen and snapped his notebook shut. "I believe class is about to begin," he told Tamaki.

     Taking the hint, the blonde retreated to his seat behind his best friend. Following their lead, he pulled out his own textbook and opened it to a random page to look productive.

     All throughout their morning classes, Tamaki stole glances between Reiko and Kyoya. It seemed that the more time passed, the worse the atmosphere got between them. It was almost fascinating how the two teens were able to maintain their composure. Aside from the tension in the room that was so thick you could cut it with a knife, it would be almost impossible to tell that something was wrong at all. Tamaki knew better though, and the longer he observed his friends the more he became aware of the subtle signs that revealed their anger and frustration.

     Although Kyoya was usually still during class, his hands seemed as though they couldn't stop moving. His pen moved across the paper incessantly as he took pages and pages of notes. As though he were trying to record everything their professors said instead of only writing down the main points as he usually did. When he wasn't writing his fingers would quietly drum against the desk as if he were impatiently waiting for someone. After being friends for three years, Tamaki knew he only got like this when he was frustrated with something.

     Reiko was much harder to understand. Not only had Tamaki known her for less time, but she was arguably better than Kyoya at hiding her thoughts and emotions. She was almost statuesque during class; her head remained tilted towards the window and her gaze never left the front of the classroom as she occasionally took notes on the teacher's presentation. The blonde quickly realized that it was what she didn't do that gave her way. Her body was angled away from Kyoya instead of towards it like on other days, she didn't exchange a single word with the dark-haired male throughout the entirety of class. It was especially painful to watch during group work. The silver-haired teen acted as though she couldn't see or hear the male beside her.

     Kyoya grew increasingly agitated as the hours ticked by and Reiko continued to refuse to so much as acknowledge his presence. "It's impossible for her to ignore me the entire day," he thought looking up at the clock. Their next class was Advanced German. They were practicing conversation that day and Reiko was his assigned partner.

     When the bell rang, Reiko all but bolted to their classroom. She quickly gathered her things and swiftly walked out of their classroom. Not expecting her to immediately leave the room, Kyoya flinched when she brushed past him and disappeared through the door. Grunting slightly, he grabbed his bag and without saying goodbye to Tamaki followed after her.

     As he reached the classroom, he could see Reiko talking to their teacher by her desk. Greeting the teacher, he quietly made his way to the back of the classroom and slid into his usual seat beside the one Reiko had set her things down at.

     "You bring up an excellent point Reiko, I'll run it by the class today," the teacher said.

     Reiko nodded and turned towards the classroom desks. She paused momentarily when she noticed Kyoya sitting next to her again, but her expression remained neutral as she silently walked through the aisles. The two sat in uncomfortable silence as the rest of their classmates filed into the room. Once everyone had gathered, their instructor greeted everyone before making an announcement.

     "Today I received a suggestion regarding our practice today and decided to discuss it with you before going along with it. It was suggested that for today, you guys can pick your conversation partners-"

     Immediately the class broke into excited chatter as they all began pairing up with each other. Kyoya stared at Reiko, and his chest ached slightly. "To think she's gone this far to avoid me," he thought.

     "once a week if you're all engaged during the lectures. Does that sound fair?" their teacher finished.

     "Yes!" the class chorused.

     The teacher nodded and after pulling up the suggested conversation prompts, she let everyone move about the classroom as they saw fit.

     Without a word, Reiko stood up and crossed the room to sit with Ayame, who was also in their class.

     "Hey Ayame, want to work together?" she asked in German.

     Ayame glanced at Kyoya who although had quickly found another partner was staring intently at Reiko. "Sure, I don't mind," the dark-haired female told her.


     The two girls talked for a while going over some of the suggested conversation topics on the board before Ayame decided to bite the bullet and ask what was going on.

     "Why are you ignoring Kyoya?" she asked.

     Reiko tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

     "You haven't said a word to him all morning. I'm assuming it's a lovers' quarrel?"

     The silver-haired teen flinched at the term. "We did have a falling out. Now I have nothing to say to him."

     Ayame nodded in understanding. "I see. I'm sure you'll make up soon."

     "What makes you so sure?"

     The dark-haired female looked between her and Kyoya across the room. "The two of you have been acting strangely all day long. I don't think you guys will really be able to continue on like this for an entire week."

     "I don't think you have enough information to make that call," Reiko said crossing her arms.

     "Maybe I'm wrong, but seeing as how Kyoya has been trying to get you to at least look at him for the past four hours I think my guess is fairly educated."

     "I still think you're wrong."

     Ayame shrugged and feeling eyes on them once more, she glanced to the side and saw Kyoya staring at them once more. "Time will tell I suppose."

We Are the Sons and Daughters - Kyoya x OCOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora