Chapter 17

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     Reiko didn't have insomnia- she just didn't have the time to sleep. After school, she worked at her father's company managing several of the subsidiaries they owned. As a means of training her to become the next head of Ishikawa Investments, she'd also begun attending any of the meetings he could not be present for (mostly minor events such as business dinners, etc.). In the evening, Reiko took care of her homework, she couldn't afford to slack off on studying when she had a rival like Kyoya, after all. Having so much to do, it wasn't uncommon for the silver-haired beauty to be up late into the night and even forgo sleeping altogether.

     Because of her inconsistent sleep schedule, as well as constantly communicating with businessmen and women in other time zones, Reiko was used to receiving texts and even phone calls at all hours. When her phone buzzed on her desk as she did her calculous homework at 3 a.m however, she frowned in confusion. It was a message sent to her personal phone from a number she didn't recognize. Great lengths had been taken so that only a select number of people had access to her personal phone, so who was it that had managed to obtain it without her permission?"

Unknown number"

Miss Sakamoto,

Thank you again for disposition in offering to assist us with the flyers on such short notice. If there is anything you need, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

K. Ootori.

     The silver-haired teen stared at the message for a few moments, trying to decide whether she should be impressed or infuriated with her classmate. She distinctly remembered rejecting his suggestion to exchange personal numbers, but he'd somehow gotten hers anyways. It was unpleasant to have her request blatantly disregarded especially after he'd agreed not to overstep his boundaries, but part of her knew she shouldn't have expected anything less from the male. "how'd he even get my number in the first place?" she wondered. "The only person with my number at school is Haruhi, but she would never give it to him without asking me." Once she'd realized what had happened, she couldn't help the amused chuckle that escaped her lips. "Bastard stole her phone."

     She wanted to keep Kyoya at arm's length until the time was right, but he kept taking steps toward her no matter what she did. He was the type to take a mile when she was only giving an inch but strangely enough, Reiko wasn't too concerned by the realization. She knew he would uphold his promise and wouldn't use this new piece of information to dig up anything more about her.

     The next morning, Reiko found herself at school earlier than usual. This was completely intentional; seeing as the Host Club's meeting room was all the way across campus and Ouran Academy had several seemingly endless corridors, it would take her quite a while to deliver the heavy package she was transporting, and she didn't want to be late to class.

     Opening one of the large oak doors, Reiko let herself into the abandoned music room and entered, pushing a cart with a single large cardboard box. Although Kyoya had requested 500 copies, she'd had 700 made in case of an accident (an entirely likely event in her eyes considering the hosts' personalities). No sooner than the door had closed behind her, she was approached by the club members who were all intrigued to see the silver-haired teen so early in the morning.

     "Hey look, it's Rei-chan!" Honey exclaimed, sprinting over to her. Mori trailed behind him and wordlessly greeted her with a nod.

     "Reiko? What are you doing here?" Haruhi asked.

     The teen opened her mouth to explain herself when Tamaki literally threw himself into the conversation. "Don't tell me you're here to have us arrested again! Whatever it was, we didn't have anything to do with it!" he wailed.

We Are the Sons and Daughters - Kyoya x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن