Chapter 8

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     The Host Club was both surprised and relieved when Haruhi showed up to school the next day completely unharmed. They began to bombard her with questions as soon as she walked through the door.

     "How did you survive?" Hikaru asked.

     "Are you okay Haru-chan?" Honey asked.

     "What's it like in there? I bet it's dark and scary," Kaoru commented.

     "Did she threaten or harm you in any way Haruhi?" Tamaki questioned.

     The brunette sighed and pushed them all away. "I'm fine alright? It was just dinner. And no, her house wasn't dark or scary."

     "I'm glad to see you're doing well, Haruhi, but where exactly did you end up going?" Kyoya asked, prompting her to give him an address.

     Haruhi looked away, training her eyes on the floor so she wouldn't have to meet his intense gaze. "Sorry senpai, but I can't tell you that," she said.

     The dark-haired male narrowed his eyes at her. "Oh? And why not?"

     "Reiko asked me not to."

     Tamaki wailed dramatically as he heard his "daughter," say the name of she-who-shall-not-be-named and without honorifics.

     "I didn't know you guys were such good friends already," Hikaru said, a tinge of jealousy in his voice.

     "She just asked me to call her that. I don't think it's a big deal," she shrugged.

     "Although you are free to address people as you wish Haruhi, it does bring up a question of whether you value your relationship with her over this club," Kyoya said coolly, clicking his pen and opening up his black notebook.

     Haruhi rolled her eyes. She knew Kyoya was just being like that because he wanted information about Reiko. "It's nothing like that. She's really not a bad person once you get to know her. You should all give her more credit," she huffed.

     "Oh no my precious baby girl You've been brainwashed again! How could someone do something so horrible?" Tamaki cried, throwing himself on top of her.

     Haruhi pushed him off of her. "No one's brainwashed me senpai. I just talked to her, and I think I understand her a bit better now."

     The brunette's phone buzzed in her pocket, and she saw Reiko's contact name with a single message informing her that she'd let the club members know she'd decided not to press charges. "Besides, I don't think she'll be giving the Host Club any trouble."

     At that moment, the rest of the guys' phones dinged with the notification of a new email. They all looked at each other and pulled out their phones.

     Tamaki, of course, was the first one to fall into despair.

     "No trouble? Are you serious Haruhi?" Kaoru asked showing her the email titled "Court Summons" with a file attached.

     "Are we going to jail Takashi?" Honey whimpered.

     Mori didn't answer and continued to read through the email's contents silently.

     After a moment of tense silence, Kyoya clenched his fists. The whole thing was a practical joke. The last paragraph of that stupid file explained as much as why she had chosen this form of revenge. "No one is going to jail," he growled. "Evidently, it seems Miss. Sakamoto was playing a prank when she said she was going to press charges."

     "Yay!" Honey cheered.

     Tamaki sighed in relief, a weight clearly lifted off his shoulders. "Thank goodness. Considering how we'd acted I'd say it's a miracle this is all she did."

     Kyoya sat down in his chair, closing his laptop rather harshly when he saw the screen. For the three days, he'd been exhausting every resource he had trying to dig things up on the seemingly nonexistent Reiko Sakamoto. He'd only slept four hours a night trying to get their club out of this mess, only to find out his efforts had been wasted on a stupid prank. It was humiliating. It was infuriating. "That brat," he thought.

     "Excuse me," he said and exited the club room without a word as o where she was going or when he would return.

     "It's lunch, she'll most likely be in the cafeteria," he thought as he stalked to the large room.

     When he entered, he spotted Reiko almost immediately. Despite being surrounded by people chatting animatedly her quiet magnetism was hard to miss. She didn't even have to say anything to command the attention of everyone around her.

     He walked over to her, not bothering to put on a friendly face for the people staring at him as he interrupted their meal.

     "Reiko, may I have a word with you?" he hissed.

     The silver-haired teen stared at him; a bite of food paused halfway to her mouth. "Of course," she said setting her fork down and gesturing for him to speak.

     "In private," he clarified.

     Reiko sighed at her food but nodded and stood up. She followed him to an empty hallway. There were only a couple of classrooms- all of which were empty for lunch- and a janitor's closet, so it was unlikely that someone would be eavesdropping on their conversation.

     "I must have you know that the practical joke you pulled was entirely unappreciated," he growled.

     "What a coincidence! I'm not the largest fan of them either," she said, subtly reminding him that he had started the whole ordeal.

     "Who do you think you are?" Kyoya asked incredulously.

     Reiko flashed him a cheeky smile he might've found charming if he wasn't so irritated. She held her hand out to him. "Reiko Sakamoto. I am a second year at Ouran Academy in Class 2-A. It's a pleasure."

     The dark-haired male scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Hardly."

     The silver-haired teen noticed the dark circles under his eyes and the way his face was unnaturally pale. He was clearly exhausted, but Reiko couldn't really bring herself to feel any more than the slightest twinge of guilt that was quickly extinguished. "He'd deserved it," she thought.

     "Well, in any case, we're even now, I'd say. Why don't we put this whole matter behind us?" she requested.

     Kyoya scowled. Part of him wanted to argue, but bantering with Reiko took a level of energy he just didn't have at the moment. His eyes briefly met her, and he was momentarily surprised at how gentle her expression was. Her grey irises weren't as cold as they were most other days, they reflected the yellow of her school uniform, causing them to take on a warm honey color. His shoulders fell slightly, and he sighed, tiredly running a hand through his hair.

"Very well."

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