Chapter 11

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     It was two weeks before they conversed properly again. Reiko debated whether to approach him at all. They'd had one pleasant interaction- it wasn't as though they were suddenly friends. He was still her rival first and foremost and having to ask him for homework the other day had been embarrassing enough. She thought she might die if she asked him for help reviewing before the test at the end of the week. The silver-haired teen was standing at a difficult crossroads: spare her pride now by not asking only to be bested on the day of the exam or sacrifice her pride by requesting he review with her and hopefully tie with him. "What unfortunate odds," she thought bitterly.

     The bell rang, signaling that it was time for midday recess and informing Reiko that her time to weigh her options had run out.

     She turned to the dark-haired male sitting beside her. "Kyoya, may I speak with you for a moment?" she asked with only the slightest hesitation.

     Immediately, all eyes were on them. It was rare to see the two students interact and when they did it was always accompanied by an air of tension and electricity- like there was a storm brewing. That atmosphere, however, wasn't present in the slightest as Class 2-A observed the pair and it was beyond intriguing. Though the two had never hinted as much, there was a rumor that Kyoya and Reiko were secretly a couple and were trying to hide their love behind a school rivalry. Naturally, seeing the silver-haired teen requesting a private audience with the Shadow King piqued everyone's interest.

     Kyoya stared at Reiko for a moment, trying to decipher what she wanted. Unlike usual, her cockiness had disappeared and had been replaced by an almost shy and nervous demeanor. If it were any other girl, Kyoya would've thought he'd be receiving a confession. But it wasn't just any girl; it was Reiko Sakamoto. Unable to decipher what she wanted with him; he nodded in agreement. Giving their classmates a warning look, the group quickly filed out of the room towards the cafeteria and left them to their conversation.

     "Is there anything I can help you with, Reiko?" he asked. His voice was flat and he almost sighed as he posed the question as though he couldn't really be bothered with her, but his dark eyes gleamed with interest as they darted around her figure trying to extract any information, he could from her.

     The silver-haired girl sighed and ran a hand through her hair tiredly. Just thinking about having to ask was exhausting. "As I'm sure you're away, we have a chemistry exam at the end of the week," she started.

     Kyoya nodded. Of course he was aware.

     "If you're willing, I'd appreciate it if we could study together sometime before then."

     Kyoya froze. Out of all things, he hadn't even considered the possibility of her asking for his help. He quickly weighed her proposal. If he agreed, it would give him an opportunity to unravel more of the mystery that was Reiko Sakamoto. He'd concluded that the girl was from a prominent family based on her past actions and attitude, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to improve their relationship either- she could be a potential business associate of the Ootori's. "Alright," he started. "Though I hope you're aware that I'm not in the habit of simply doing favors."

     Reiko narrowed her eyes. "Is there something specific you'd like in exchange?"

     Right now, the best thing would be to establish a more personal dialogue with her. He needed her to let her guard down around him if he was going to figure her out. His request couldn't be intrusive, or she would shut down and he'd lose this opportunity. She'd extended an olive branch, and this was the first step in building an amicable relationship- he couldn't risk it.

     "I would just like you to answer me one question honestly," he started. "What school did you attend before Ouran Academy?" he asked.

     Reiko stared at him, she knew that Kyoya would undoubtedly research her school to gain more information about her, but unfortunately for him, her records had been completely erased from her school's database at the request of her father. "I attended Institut Villa Pierrefeu for first year, before that I was educated privately," she answered.

     Kyoya hummed in acknowledgment and took a mental note of the school- not that he'd have a hard time remembering it, it was one of the best finishing schools in Europe. "That is an excellent institution. You must've had a rigorous course study," he commented.

     She tilted her head slightly. "I suppose so. I did feel well-prepared for the academic standards of Ouran Academy."

     He nodded and opened his notebook to look through his week's schedule. "How does Thursday sound?" he asked. It was the day before the test, and really the only day he had available.

     Reiko thought for a moment, mentally flicking through all the appointments she had that day after school. "That works for me," she decided.

     "And where would you like to meet?"

     "The library you accosted me in. It's the quietest one," she told him her voice holding a note of playfulness as she brought up the previous incident.

     Kyoya adjusted his glasses. "I have never accosted you, Reiko. If a member of the Host Club were responsible for such a thing, wouldn't it be the ones who physically restrained you?"

     "As the club's director, I still believe it would fall on your shoulders."

     The male smirked. "That's an interesting way of looking at it."

     Reiko laughed lightly. "I suppose I've taken up enough of your time already. Thank you for doing this, by the way," she said, flashing a surprisingly kind smile and starting for the door.

     Kyoya's eyes followed her as she exited the classroom. Her long hair swishing behind her as she seemed to almost float away. The silver-haired teen had always had a magnetizing presence. Even as she did something as simple as walking out of a room, he couldn't help but look her way.

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