Chapter 21

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     The next day, Reiko walked into the club room early. No one else had arrived yet, but she decided to start setting things up for when they opened for guests. Walking to the back of the room where a small snack station was, Reiko turned on the electric kettle and began to brew the first round of tea. While the water was still being heated, she quickly began setting up the tables: she spread the folded tablecloths over the tabletops and placed a vase of fresh flowers at the center of each one. The silver-haired teen hummed quietly to herself as she worked. She'd become familiar with service-oriented tasks because of her dad. Isuka had worked at a small restaurant for years, and Reiko had spent most of her middle school summers cleaning tables and taking orders as an unpaid waiter to help him. Now tasks like these were second-nature.

     By the time Kyoya walked in to begin setting up, Reiko had already finished most of their pre-opening tasks and was brewing herself a cup of tea.

     She immediately noticed the raven-haired male standing in the room and nodded at him in greeting. "Would you like a cup of tea?" she asked, gesturing to the kettle that was almost done heating up.

     Looking around the room, the teen was surprised at how much she'd been able to accomplish. He'd only left the club room 20 minutes after she had. How was it possible that she'd finished what took seven members a half hour to accomplish? "Did you set up by yourself?" he asked.

     Reiko nodded. "I arrived earlier than I'd planned and decided to start working."

     Kyoya hummed in response and took a seat at his usual table. He pulled out his laptop and opened the spreadsheet of the week's timetable, showing the appointments all the hosts had for that week.

     Despite having forgotten to tell her whether he wanted tea or not, Reiko arrived a moment later carrying a silver tray with a pot of tea and two teacups. She wordlessly poured him a cup before fixing her own and taking the seat beside him. As it was only her first day, Kyoya had decided not to take on any appointments and dedicate himself to training Reiko on all her responsibilities as the club's secretary.

     Kyoya shifted the laptop so that it was between the both of them and showed her the spreadsheet. He quickly explained that all appointments last 15 minutes unless the guest was part of the exclusive member's list, in which the appointment could be 20 minutes. If it were a group appointment, then it would last 25-30 minutes, depending on whether they were exclusive members. Guests would usually make appointments in person by stopping at the club room and scheduling for later during the week. Reiko would be taking over the organization of the appointments and managing the distribution of promotional items the club decided on each month.

     "Is there a meeting where you decide what promotional items will be produced?" she asked as she looked at the day's schedule.

     "Yes, we hold a meeting on the first Monday of each month after the guests leave to discuss the month's events."

     "I see."

     "You and I will also manage the club's expenses at the end of each month. That, however, is a private meeting between you and I. All other responsibilities are divided between the rest of the members."

     "Okay, thank you for explaining everything to me."

     Kyoya nodded. "of course, please do not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions."

     Reiko nodded in thanks, and the pair fell into a comfortable silence for a few short minutes until the doors burst open with the arrival of Tamaki, Haruhi, and the twins.

     "Good afternoon!" the blonde sang as he pranced to where Kyoya and Reiko were.

     "Hello," the silver-haired teen greeted quietly as she looked through the month's promotions. "How does Kyoya even have time to take pictures of the hosts?" she asked, looking at the photobook's descriptions.

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