Chapter 32

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     It was the day of physical exams. Reiko- like the rest of the second years- was walking to one of the dance galls that had been temporarily repurposed for physical exams. Being in the same class, the silver-haired teen was accompanied by Kyoya and Tamaki, who seemed completely unbothered by the swarm of people following them to the hall.

     Reiko briefly caught a glimpse of Honey and Mori, who were on their way out, and waved at them as they passed each other. Although the exams were being conducted simultaneously, they were being called to the dance hall by order of seniority. Being third years, Honey and Mori were called first. As far as she knew, students would be called in order of their attendance numbers. Hers would be one of the last numbers to be called if that were the case.

     Ignoring the fact that they were supposed to follow a system, Tamaki raised his hand and eagerly requested to go first as soon as they entered the hall. No one protested, though, and he was escorted to the front of the line.

     "What is he doing?" she asked Kyoya.

     "Tamaki intends to Save Haruhi; therefore, he must go first to ensure that he makes it on time," the dark-haired male explained cryptically.

     "Save her? How does he intend to do that?"

     Kyoya shrugged. "I suppose we'll have to wait and see."

     Reiko rolled her eyes at his mysterious attitude that day but didn't care enough to press further.

     It took almost an hour before one of them was called up.

     "Kyoya Ootori," the doctor read, calling Kyoya to the front of the line.

     Immediately the girls around them squealed with excitement. Reiko raised her eyebrows, confused as to why this was such a big deal for them. Sliding his hand to the small of her back, Kyoya pushed her forward to walk alongside him. Immediately the voices of the young men in their year began to join the chatter as they noticed the interaction between the mysterious silver-haired beauty and the Shadow King.

     "Why do I have to go with you now?" she whispered.

     Kyoya didn't answer as he stepped forward to where the doctor was standing.

     "Please remove your blazer and shirt, Mr.Ootori," the doctor said.

     Kyoya nodded before looking over his shoulder at his classmate. "Reiko," he called out quietly.

     Reiko blinked. "Am I his personal assistant now?" she wondered sarcastically as she approached him. She held out her hand for him to give her his shirt, tie, and blazer. Feeling eyes on her, she glanced back momentarily and rolled her eyes at the harsh glares the girls were giving her. Deciding to ignore them, she turned back to her classmate.

     Kyoya's uniform- although looked nice on him- hid his physique surprisingly well. So, when he unbuttoned his shirt and handed it to her, Reiko blamed the unexpected deception for how her eyes widened and cheeks flushed slightly. He wasn't built like Mori, who was a seasoned athlete, but he was far from unfit. His chest and stomach were toned, giving his muscles a faint outline. His arms curved slightly at the bicep, which led to a broad set of shoulders. Now she understood why the other girls around her had swooned as soon as his name had been called.

     Knowing Kyoya would never allow her to live it down if she were caught staring, the silver-haired teen quickly regained her composure, and her expression relaxed to one of apathy and near boredom.

     A moment later, the dark-haired male turned around for the doctor to measure his shoulders. Instinctively, his eyes drifted to Reiko, who seemed like the picture of equanimity, especially compared to the other ladies, who were squealing even louder now that he was facing them. Taking a second glance, however, he noticed the faint brush of pink that spread across her cheeks and the way her eyes never came close to meeting his. An almost imperceptible smirk spread across his lips; knowing he'd had some effect on her made him feel strangely satisfied. Kyoya, however, decided not to tell Reiko what he'd observed. She was far too prideful to ever admit she'd found him attractive, and he would have to feign ignorance if he ever wanted to try to elicit the same reaction from her again.

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