Chapter 41

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     Reiko barely registered her surroundings as she exited the club. She was seeing red from how angry she was at the Host Club. Aside from Hikaru and Kaoru, not a single member had said a word in her defense when Renge decided to fire her, and it stung.

     Her heels clicked loudly against the corridor's marble floors as they carried her out of the school's main entrance and into her private car. She didn't wait for the driver to open the door for her as she usually would and instead slid inside and slammed it shut herself.

     "Take me home- and not the estate," she huffed.

     "Actually Miss, your father requested that I take you to the residence as soon as you finished your afternoon activities. He seemed to want to discuss something with you," her driver explained flinching at the long sigh she let out.

     "Fine. But keep the car out, I'll be leaving as soon as I finish speaking with father."

     The driver let out a breath of relief and pulled out of the school's driveway. Reiko was never particularly chatty and hardly spoke to her driver, 'but she was never as quiet as she was that afternoon. The ambiance in the car was tense as he drove them out of the city and towards the suburbs where the ultra-wealthy people built their homes.

     Reiko's stiffness didn't leave her even after she'd arrived home. Her expression remained fierce even after the maids had collected her things to bring them up to her room. Not bothering to change her clothes like she usually would when she was going to see her father, Reiko asked Izumi- the head maid- to escort her to his office and announce that she had arrived.

     Entering her father's office, the older man could immediately tell that his daughter was upset about something. Even though he hadn't lived with her very long he knew Reiko well enough to know what she looked like when she was angry.

     "Please sit, there's something I'd like to discuss with you Reiko," he said gesturing to the chair on the other side of his desk.

     Reiko nodded and swiftly sat down.

     Jiro looked at the email reminder on his computer screen for a moment, the words vexing him. He had hoped that he wouldn't need to have this conversation with his daughter at least until the end of the summer. "Have you looked at the list of candidates I gave you?" he finally asked.

     Reiko raised an eyebrow suspiciously. "I have looked at the names like you asked, but I haven't done any proper research since you mentioned that I wouldn't have to make a decision anytime soon."

     The older man nodded. "I had said that, but unfortunately the situation has changed."

     "What do you mean?" she asked narrowing her eyes.

     "It seems one of the families revealed to a board member that they'd sent a marriage proposal on behalf of their son. He brought it up at the board meeting this morning- likely with the intention of pressuring me into pairing you up with their son."

     "Who was it?"

     Jiro waved his hand dismissively. "It was the Kusumoto family. I never included them on the list since they have very little influence in the finance sector... Fortunately, the other members agreed with my assessment that Kusumoto would not be an appropriate choice, but it did bring up the conversation of who your future partner will be. They held a meeting to discuss it today and decided that it is in the company's best interest to see you engaged as soon as possible."

     The silver-haired teen stared at him with wide eyes. "It hasn't even been a week since I've been announced as the successor, and they already wish for me to find a husband?"

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