Chapter 46

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     Kyoya sighed in exasperation as he listened to Renge talk on and on. It seemed the blonde had only two topics of conversation: her delusions about their relationship, and how much of a great thing it was that she'd joined the club before they could lose any more customers. After two days, his patience with her was running thin. She'd done nothing but distract the club from their usual activities and mess up the rhythm they'd all fallen into.

     The dark-haired male- who had been checking off items in his notebook- stopped writing for a moment to glance at where Reiko was sitting with the twins. Hikaru had disappeared, and she and Kaoru were left on the couch by themselves. The latter had his arms wrapped around the silver-haired teen's waist and his chin was propped on her shoulder as they looked at something on her phone. Kyoya scowled, his grip on his pen tightening.

     Something snapped, and next to him Renge shot up from her seat.

     "Oh goodness Kyoya!" she exclaimed.

     He glanced down and realized that his pen had snapped, the ink exploding all over his hand and dripping onto the notebook. "What a nuisance," he muttered as he assessed the mess. He turned to Renge who was staring at him with wide and confused eyes. "Please excuse me for a moment," he said flatly before walking away to get himself cleaned up.

     Renge stared at his retreating form; she'd noticed that he'd stopped paying attention to her sometime before and was looking at something on the other side of the courtyard. Whatever he'd seen had angered him to the point of him breaking his pen. Following what his line of sight had been, her lips twisted into a deep frown when her eyes settled on Reiko and Kaoru. Internally she cursed the silver-haired woman for stealing Kyoya's attention away and upsetting him.

     A moment later, her expression changed. The displeasure was cleared from her features and a mischievous smirk crossed her lips as the beginnings of a plan connected in her mind. She made her way to the refreshments station they'd brought out and began brewing a pot of tea.

     Reiko and Kaoru were completely oblivious to what had happened behind them as they watched videos on the second year's phone. Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed her shoulder. She jumped slightly and whipped around to face whoever had touched her.

     "Hikaru," she gasped.

     "Whoa, my bad. Didn't mean to scare you there, Rei-senpai," the ginger said with a slight chuckle.

     The silver-haired teen sighed. "It's fine. What did Tamaki want?"

     "Just to run some lines with him and Haruhi. He's taking this way too seriously," he said yawning a bit. "What are you guys doing?"

     "Watching videos, want to join?" Kaoru offered.

     Hikaru nodded and came around to sit on Reiko's other side. Rather than lean against her shoulder as her brother had done, the ginger decided to get even more comfortable and lay down to use the second year's lap as a cushion.

     Reiko frowned disapprovingly. "Get off me. I'm not a pillow."

     "Give me a break Rei-senpai. It's been a long day and I'm tired," Hikaru whined.

     Kaoru chuckled and shook his head. "I'll go make some coffee to wake him up a bit. I'll be right back."

     Reiko nodded in thanks before turning her attention back to the other twin. "If you fall asleep on me I'll push you to the floor."

     "Okay Rei-senpai I won't," the first-year said dismissively as he closed his eyes.

     She rolled her eyes but allowed them to fall into a comfortable silence as they waited for Kaoru to come back.

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