Chapter 37

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     The following Monday morning, Kyoya was surprised to run into Reiko in front of the school gates. Unlike other days when she arrived at school in an unmarked limousine, the Ishikawa family crest elegantly stood as a hood ornament on the long black vehicle. Recognizing it immediately, the dark-haired male smoothly made his way to the car and intercepted the driver to help the silver-haired teen out of the car.

     "Allow me," he said as he grabbed the car door handle. He smiled politely as the driver bowed in respect and took a step back. Kyoya opened the door and offered his hand to Reiko as she began to slide out of the car.

     "Kyoya?" she asked looking up in surprise when she realized whose hand she'd taken.

     "Good morning to you as well," he greeted her as he gently pulled her out of the car.

     The silver-haired teen shook her head slightly. "My apologies. I was just surprised. Good morning Kyoya, how are you?" she asked as she adjusted her bag on her shoulder.

     "Well enough, though I'm surprised to see you here. You usually arrive much later, don't you?"

     That was true. Reiko had the habit of arriving to class just a couple of minutes before the second bell rang. It was her way of being both fashionably late and on time. She'd only arrived before the first bell twice since she'd started attending Ouran; on her first day of class, and when she'd delivered the fliers to the Host Club.

     She nodded. "Usually I would, but there's some paperwork I must turn in for the school. I figured it would be better to turn it in before classes started."

     "Paperwork?" Kyoya asked glancing down at her.

     Reiko looked up at him, a playful smirk teasing her lips. "Naturally curious as always, aren't we? It's just some documents to change my name on the school records. I am now Reiko Ishikawa after all."

     "I see."

     "I wouldn't mind company if you've got time to spare," she told him.

     Kyoya glanced down at his watch. Usually, he took the few minutes before class to go over his emails, but it wasn't as though he had something important to do before school started. "Very well," he answered allowing his hand to fall back to his side.

     As they walked down the halls, the pair quickly noticed an unusual atmosphere. Students and instructors alike glanced at them more than usual. They were watching as though they were waiting for something.

     "Kyoya," Reiko called out quietly as she placed her hand on his arm.

     Kyoya placed a hand on the small of her back and leaned down slightly to listen to her.

     "Does it seem as though people are acting strangely today?"

     He nodded. "I'm sure we'll find out what it is soon enough," he offered as he held open the door to the office of student affairs.

     After having her papers checked and submitted for processing, the pair left the office to circle back to their classroom in the second-years' wing. Again, they were being watched by their peers, their eyes following them closely making them feel slightly suffocated.

     Reiko almost sighed in relief when they made it to their classroom. She muttered a quiet thank you to Kyoya for once again holding the door open, but before she could even think about walking to her seat, Tamaki sprang out in front of them.

     "Say it's not true! Say it's not!" he wailed loudly.

     "What are you talking about?" she asked taking a quick step back and nearly bumping into Kyoya who was standing right behind her.

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