Chapter 38

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     Though Reiko had hoped that by lunch, the novelty of her status and speculated relationship with Kyoya Ootori would have worn off, the stares she received from her classmates as she walked to the cafeteria alongside Tamaki and Kyoya told a different story. Rather than shy away from her classmate's eyes, however, she stood up straight and kept her gaze locked on the lunchroom doors in front of her.

     Kyoya, of course, had noticed that Reiko was stiffer than usual. He knew it was due to her awareness of their peers scrutinizing her, but there was little he could do to alleviate the situation other than meet his classmate's stares with a sharp look of his own.

     Thankfully, Tamaki's obliviousness relieved some of the tension. Already used to constantly being stared at, he assumed that everyone was so in awe of his good looks that they simply couldn't help but stare. He easily prattled on about things Kyoya and Reiko were only half listening to as he led them skipping down the main hallway.

     "Yesterday I called Haruhi to ask her to buy more of that commoner's coffee, but she said it had to wait until Sunday. Naturally, I asked her why, and she told me that it was because the supermarket put items on sale Sundays! How can they put something so inexpensive on sale? They'll never make any money that way! I told her to mention it to the store's owner, but she hung up on me!"

     Reiko smiled, and her shoulders relaxed slightly at the silly comment.

     "More people will buy the coffee when it's on sale, so the number of purchases offsets the loss of money from selling the items at a decreased price," Kyoya explained.

     "Precisely," she agreed.

     As the trio entered the cafeteria, they paused for a moment while looking for their friends. Finding them was easy enough, the twins were already messing with Haruhi and creating a scene in the middle of the room.

     "Hey you guys!" Honey shouted as he stood up on a chair and waved to them.

     The three of them waved back in greeting. Once Tamai spotted Haruhi, he immediately sprinted to the brunette to save her from the twins and left Reiko and Kyoya to make the line for food by themselves.

     "You go first Kyoya, I haven't decided yet," she said as she scanned the menu display on the wall.

     Kyoya looked down at her, an eyebrow raised. "That's not like you."

     Reiko shrugged. "I suppose I'm just not in the mood for anything in particular."

     He nodded and stepped in front of her. "I'll have the B salad with the A lunch, and she'll have the same," he said gesturing to Reiko.

     The silver-haired girl looked up at him with wide eyes, but before she could get a word in he was already steering them away to the end of the line.

     "My saying I wasn't in the mood for a specific meal wasn't a request for you to order in my stead, Kyoya," she told him.

     "If you dislike the meal then I will extend my sincerest apologies," he quipped as he handed over her lunch tray before taking his own.

     "You're incredibly entitled," she told him.

     "As are you if you feel the liberty to make such comments to a fellow classmate."

     Reiko smirked and rolled her eyes as they made their way to their friends' table.

     "We know the boss probably already asked you..." Hikaru started as Kyoya pulled her chair out for her.

     "But the rumor about you two dating... it's just a rumor, right?" Kaoru asked.

     "Yes, but we've decided to let it settle on its own and not comment on it for the time being."

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