Chapter 25

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     The next day, Reiko came to the club completely exhausted. Rearranging Tamaki's schedule had taken almost four hours, and then she'd gone home to do her homework and take care of some business matters her father's secretary could not attend to. She hadn't gone to bed until the early hours of the morning; the only thing preventing her from lashing out at the blonde was knowing that her revenge was in the way she'd arranged his appointments.

     Currently, the silver-haired teen sat at a table in Dance Studio 1. The room belonged to the Salsa Club, but because their meetings were after school, Reiko had asked the Club's president to do them a favor and let them use it during lunch. Kyoya occupied the seat across from her and was doing his own work. For some reason, Tamaki had asked them both to stay for Haruhi's dance lesson. The table was silent as they were too busy trying to get as much done before the blonde made it impossible to work anymore.

     "I don't see why I have to do all this," Haruhi sighed irritatedly. She frowned at Tamaki, who was looking through a stack of CDs, trying to pick a song for them to dance to.

     Reiko shot the first year a serious look. "I stayed up until four a.m. to rearrange yours and Tamaki's schedules to fit these lessons in Haruhi. Don't even think about skipping."

     The brunette shivered at her cold tone. Having never been on the receiving end of the girl's irritation, she had forgotten how scary Reiko could be when she wanted.

     Classical music started playing through the room's speakers, and Tamaki clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, Haruhi, today is your first dance lesson! Why don't you come over this way," he said, gesturing for her to stand in front of him.

     The first year reluctantly made her way toward the blonde and immediately, Tamaki went to position her hands so he could lead her in a dance. "Actually senpai, can't I get a demonstration first? I'd like to see how it looks before trying it myself," she told him.

     "That's a great idea Haruhi!" he exclaimed. His expression, however, quickly turned into confusion. "Wait, but who will do the female part?" he wondered, completely forgetting that Reiko was there.

     "Uh senpai? Reiko can dance, and she's a girl," Haruhi informed him.

     Reiko, who hadn't been paying any attention to the pair, looked up when she heard her name being called. "Yes?"

     "You can waltz, right?" Haruhi asked.

     "Of course."

     "Could you dance one with Tamaki?"

     The second year raised an eyebrow. Tamaki's panicked expression showed that he wasn't too enthused about the idea either.

     "I want to see what it looks like, so I have a reference on what to do."

     Reiko sighed in resignation. Her role in the club was to help the Hosts succeed in all of their duties, and it wasn't like she hated Tamaki. She could deal with dancing with him for one song if it helped them get this done faster. "Fine."

     The music started, and she and Tamaki got into their stances. Her hand slid onto his arm, and he gently clasped her hand in his.

     "This is the proper dance posture for the waltz Haruhi," Tamaki said. "Your hand should be placed on the lady's shoulder blade to guide the direction in which you travel, and you should hold her other hand like so."

     After listening to the music to dance in accordance with the song's rhythm, Tamaki took a step forward and led Reiko into a box step- the fundamental move in the waltz. As expected, the blonde was an excellent dancer, and Reiko could follow his lead easily. Their movements were perfectly in sync as they traveled around the dance floor. Whenever they would do a move, Tamaki would explain to Haruhi how to lead her partner through it. She and Tamaki danced together until they had demonstrated all the moves Haruhi had to learn by the end of the week.

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