Chapter 27

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     Reiko stood off to the side and watched Haruhi's expression through the mirror as the twins did her makeup. Though the boys' chosen colors weren't in bad taste, the second year could not help but frown at her appearance. Haruhi was young and naturally pretty; heavy and bright makeup styles such as the one the twins had chosen didn't suit her.

     "Hikaru and Kaoru are doing a good job of making her look like a completely different person," Kyoya commented from beside her.

     "I certainly wouldn't recognize her if I saw her out like this."

     "A little accident towards the end of the night would be quite thrilling. And remember, Haruhi, there are only twenty minutes remaining before the party reaches its climax. Suzushima is already waiting for you in the classroom across the hall."

     Haruhi nodded and stood up from the chair. Long brown hair cascaded down her back as she adjusted the wig on her head and smoothed the wrinkles in her dress.

     "You have to ask him how he feels, okay?" Honey asked.

     Nodding once more, the brunette wobbled towards the door.

     Reiko cringed seeing Haruhi's ankles bend whenever she tried to take a step in her heels. "She looks like she'll fall any second."

     "Uh, we know this is the boss's strategy, but it's kind of unsettling," the twins said simultaneously.

     Reiko couldn't help but agree.

     Tamaki, who had been who knows where suddenly burst into the room. "Gentlemen! Here you all are; what are you doing? The guests are waiting for-" the words were caught in his throat as he set his eyes on the first year.

     "Soo, what do you think?" the twins asked proud smirks on their faces.

     "My face feels heavy, and it's hard to walk in these shoes," Haruhi complained.

     The blonde male blushes at the brunette's appearance. "Look at her, she's so pretty..." Reiko heard him squeak.

     After wishing her luck, Tamaki escorted Haruhi across the hall (there was no way she was going to be able to make it there on her own). The twins, meanwhile, returned to the dance hall to attend to their guests.

     "How is Haruhi going to confess to Suzushima?" The silver-haired teen asked. "She's not the type to make up a confession to someone she feels nothing for."

     "Yes, I thought of that myself," Kyoya started. He pulled out his phone and showed her the image of a piece of paper with badly drawn hearts and fireworks on the margins. "So, I prepared something for the occasion."

     "You wrote this?" Reiko asked, reading the document.

I'm in love love! From the first time I saw you, I've been head over heels in love! It's like my heart is stuck in a never ending typhon

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I'm in love love! From the first time I saw you, I've been head over heels in love! It's like my heart is stuck in a never ending typhon. All these feelings of love keep whipping around in my heart like the breaking waves! When the typhoon's rising waters come, I want to rendez-vous with you on Noah's Ark! I do! I do!

     "Oh my," Reiko thought, trying to suppress a laugh.

     "It was a collaborative piece," Kyoya revealed.

     A short giggle escaped her lips, the sound causing a warm feeling to spread through the male's chest

     "Is something amusing to you?" he asked, getting closer to scan the love letter. The letter lacked grace and sophistication in every way imaginable- it definitely wasn't something he'd ever consider giving the woman he was interested in (frankly, he would never confess to someone through a letter)- but it needed to be obvious that the 'writer' was in love with Suzushima, and badly written enough that the male would never consider the person who wrote it. The letter he and Kaoru had composed did both.

     "I just thought the reference to Noah's ark was interesting... you don't seem like the metaphorical type," she quipped. Her eyes were bright, and her lips were curved into a mischievous smile.

     Kyoya pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I'm not."

     "The letter says otherwise," she teased.

     "The letter was a collaborative effort," he countered.

     "There's no need to lie. I won't tell anyone."

     The male sighed with feigned exasperation. "The fireworks will start soon, and we must announce the contest winner," he told her, changing the subject.

     "Hopefully, Suzushima and Kasugazaki will have made up by then."

     "I wouldn't worry about that. Tamaki has a way with situations like theirs," he said, sliding his hand around her back to guide her toward the door.

     Kyoya led them back into the dance hall to meet up with the rest of the hosts who had gathered on the balcony. Just as they made their way to the edge, they spotted Kanako running, Tohru Suzushima not far behind her.

     "Ladies and Gentlemen!" Tamaki said into a microphone. "It is now time for us to begin the final dance of this evening's festivities. The last waltz of the night has been chosen by the Host Club for this couple." He gestured towards Kanako and Suzushima, and a spotlight fell on them.

     Watching the couple begin to dance, Reiko felt a wave of relief. She would've felt bad if things between them worsened due to their intervention; after all, it wasn't as though either one of them had asked for the Host Club's help. Sighing contentedly, she was reminded of Kyoya's hand still resting on her back. They hadn't parted since making their way to the balcony. On the contrary, they had subconsciously drawn closer to each other. Reiko was nearly pressed against him; if she so much as slouched, she would be leaning against his chest.

     "And now for her reward, a kiss on the cheek from our King!" Hikaru announced, gesturing to Kanako.

     "Haruhi Fujioka will stand in!" Kaoru corrected.

     Reiko turned to the twins- her eyes wide.

     The pair shrugged. "Kyoya did say that a little accident towards the end of the night might make the evening more thrilling for everyone!"

     "There's no way I can kiss her," Haruhi argued immediately.

     "If you do it, we'll cut your debt by one-third," Kyoya's voice rumbled beside her.

     The first year's attitude changed immediately. "Well, it's just a peck on the cheek," she sighed, moving towards Kanako.

     "Hey! You don't think this is Haru-chan's first kiss, do you?" Honey piped.

     Tamaki balked at the thought. "What?" he screeched, completely panicked. Before thinking a moment longer, he launched himself at the brunette, unfortunately slipping on a banana peel and pushing Haruhi, causing her to kiss Kanako on the lips instead.

     At that moment, fireworks began to go off overhead, decorating the sky with various colors of gold, red, blue, white, and pink.

     "Is this what you meant by a little accident?" Reiko asked, tilting her head up to look at Kyoya.

     "Not exactly, though I can't say I had something specific in mind to begin with," he admitted.

     The second year hummed in response and turned to look at the fireworks. "I'd say the party was a success, wouldn't you?"

     Kyoya's hand shifted slightly on her back. "I would say so as well.

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