Chapter 4

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     Reiko stalked out of the school, completely furious with the events that had just transpired. She scowled as her eyes swept across the courtyard and focused on the unmarked limousine parked a few yards away. Holding the door open was Ryu, her security guard, while her publicist Kaori waited next to him.

     "Good afternoon, Miss Ishikawa," Ryu greeted her.

     "Don't call me that in public," Reiko snapped.

     "My apologies Miss. I'll be more careful next time," he assured her.

     Huffing in irritation, she waved him off dismissively as she slid into the back seat of the car. She rolled her eyes at the silent conversation her staff members were having just outside the door. There was no doubt they were discussing the reason for her foul temperament.

     After a moment, her father's publicist slid into the car next to her, and her guard sat in the driver's seat.

     "Will you be returning to the estate this evening, Miss?" he asked her.

     "No. Take me home," she answered.

     Ryu nodded in understanding and glanced at the teen briefly through the rearview mirror before fixing his eyes on the front and pulling out of the school's courtyard.

     The first few minutes of the drive were silent before Reiko spoke. "There was an incident at the school today," she started, her eyes focusing on Kaori.

     Kaori's brow furrowed with worry. "What kind of incident?" she asked.

     "A group of students at school followed me around the entire day and attacked me while I was in the library," she summarized.

     Her publicist's eyes went wide. "What? Are you alright? Should we go to a hospital instead?" she asked.

     Reiko shook her head. "No, my wounds are minimal enough that I can tend to them myself."

     "Do you know why they followed and attacked you?" she asked.

     Reiko stared down at her publicist. She knew the woman's concern didn't stem from a personal relationship. Kaori was worried that the information they had worked so hard to keep hidden had leaked.

     She nodded slowly and sighed. "Yes... it was a completely nonsensical operation on their part. To make a long story short they theorized that I was an American spy and needed to be subdued- a job they took on themselves. It was a completely terrifying and humiliating experience; I intend to return the favor ten-fold."

     "What do you want to do?" Kaori asked.

     "I want to press charges against them. They should be held accountable for their actions after all."

     Kaori shifted uncomfortably in her seat. "With all due respect Miss. I do not recommend seeking retribution through legal channels."

     The silver-haired teen narrowed her eyes at the woman. "Oh? And what do you recommend then?"

     "This is a very delicate time in the company. In a month's time, you will be introduced to the shareholders as Reiko Ishikawa, the heiress of the Ishikawa Trading Corporation. Pressing charges could result in a legal scandal and prematurely reveal your identity since the case would involve several high-profile clients. It would be best if you could handle this situation internally."

     "Internally, meaning you don't think my father should be aware of this incident," Reiko concluded.

     Kaori tensed for a moment but nodded. "Although I am certain that Mr. Ishikawa would side with you, it would not provide the best first impression for the board members once this incident comes to light. They may decide you're unfit to be the next successor if they see you rely on your father to resolve your issues."

     The silver-haired teen frowned and crossed her arms. Kaori was right; Reiko was in a delicate situation, and her conduct needed to be impeccable for the next few months until the official announcement was made. She couldn't afford to act rashly or do anything that could put her position at risk.

     "So I'm just supposed to let this go?" she asked incredulously.

     "I do believe that would be the best option."

     "...Call the lawyer anyways," Reiko finally decided.

     "But Miss Ishikawa-"

     "I'm well aware of my situation Kaori, but it pisses me off that those idiots think they can get away with anything just because they're rich. If they want to see how far money can go, then that's precisely what I'll show them. Don't worry, I know I have to be more careful now than ever... but the members of the Host Club don't know that, and it'll be my advantage."

     Kaori sighed. She already knew that once Reiko made a plan, nothing would stop her. She could only hope the bright young teen could keep herself in check long enough for the head of the Ishikawa Investments Corporation to designate her as the next CEO.

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