Chapter 7

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     The Club was just starting to close up when Reiko texted Haruhi telling her that she was waiting for her by the school gates.

     "I'm going home first. I'll see you guys tomorrow," the brunette said, reaching for her bag.

     Hikaru however, was faster and swiped it away from her. "You're supposed to help us pack up, you know. Why the rush?" he asked.

     "It's none of your business," Haruhi told him. She didn't want to keep Reiko waiting. She already felt like she was walking on thin ice with her and couldn't afford to make things worse.

     "I bet Haru-chan's going on a date!" Honey exclaimed smiling cheerfully. "That's why she looks so nice today!"

     It was true that Haruhi seemed to have put special effort into her appearance that day. Her hair was neatly brushed, and her uniform had been freshly ironed that morning. None of the club members had imagined she was trying to impress someone in particular, though. Everyone's eyes widened and all their attention turned to the first year. Tamaki, of course, was the first to react.

     "What?! My little girl is going on a date?! I cannot accept this! Who is he? What do his parents do? Does he go to this school? He should know better than to try and court my Haruhi!" he shouted, shaking her vigorously.

     "What makes you think she's yours?" The twins asked, swinging her arms around the brunette and pulling her away from their angry senpai.

     "Would you all knock it off?" Haruhi huffed. "I'm not going on any date." Her dad had been the one to force her to put more effort into her appearance that morning. Haruhi hadn't been home when Reiko called, but the second year seemed to have made an excellent impression on Ryoji Fujioka as he was determined to make his daughter look her best for their meeting after school. "I'm going to a friend's place and they're here to pick me up," she briefly explained snatching her bag back from Hikaru. She didn't think she and Reiko were close enough to be friends, but at this rate, the silver-haired teen might just leave without her.

     "You're going to a boy's house?!" Tamaki screeched, misunderstanding completely. "I cannot allow this! Haruhi, you're grounded!" He declared.

     Haruhi's eyes widened. "What? You can't ground me senpai!" she exclaimed.

     "You need to learn that it's not appropriate for young ladies to be going over to men's houses!" he exclaimed. "What would your father say about this?" he asked, hoping that if he included Ranka, Haruhi would change her mind.

     "My dad's completely fine with it. He's the one that made me clean up today," she said looking down at her phone which had started to vibrate.

     "I bet it's the boyfriend," Hikaru sneered.

     Haruhi rolled her eyes and answered the call.

     "Haruhi? Did you get my text? I'm waiting outside," Reiko's voice spoke.

     "I did. They're just not letting me leave," she sighed.

     "Why not?"

     "They think I'm going on a date to a guy's house," she explained.

     "Misunderstanding things seems to be a specialty in the Host Club. Pity they can't learn their lesson," the second year remarked.

     "Could you wait a few minutes?" she asked.

     "You have fifteen. I'll be waiting in the car so just send a message if you're unable to make it," she said.

     Haruhi thanked her and hung up.

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