The Heart of the Truest Believer pt 2

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When they got up to the quarterdeck, the waves around the ship were beating onto the sides. Mary Margaret and David were trying as hard as they could to keep the ship on course and steady, but they were failing. "What the hell are you two doing?" Regina demanded, coming up to their side.

"Trying to keep it steady!" Mary Margaret responded, her hands still struggling to hold the wheel.

"Hold on!!" David shouted.

"Prepare for attack!" Hook said as he rushed up towards the helm.

"Be more specific," Regina snapped his way as he replaced Mary Margaret in trying to hold the ship steady.

"If you've got a weapon, then grab it!"

A screeching coming from the water alerted them to whatever was causing this rough seas. It was high pitched, loud, and made Y/n's ears hurt. "What's out there? A shark? A whale?" Emma questioned, trying to see into the water as Y/n came up to her side, sword on her hip.

"A kraken?" David added on, joining his daughters.

"Worse," Hook stated, and Y/n could finally get a slight view through the dark seas at what was hitting their ship. Through the screeching, she saw shimmering tails in the water, and faces of young women looking up at them from below. As one of them swam past, they could see the maiden clearly. "Mermaids."

"Mermaids?!" Y/n shouted, quite discontent.

"Yes. And they're quite unpleasant," Hook shouted back, and they watched as the mermaids swarmed around the ship, making waves in the water with the shining tails.

"You think?" Regina spoke sarcastically, just as another mermaid hit their boat with her tail, causing a tremor to surge through the ship.

"I'll try and outrun them," Hook said, steering his ship to be with the wind.

"How many of them are there?" Emma said as they watched more and more mermaids beat their powerful tails into the ship.

"I will not be capsized by fish!" David stated, and ran towards the cannon on the end of the boat. Taking a pouch of gunpowder, he loaded it into the cannon before setting the fuse.

Mary Margaret called her daughters to the main deck, running towards one of the nets that sat there. "What the hell are you doing??" Y/n questioned as Mary Margaret took the net.

"Fishing," she clapped back, and just as they picked up the net, David fired his first cannon into the water, the mermaids screaming and growling at his use of the weapon. Mary Margaret, Y/n, and Emma threw the net into the water, keeping the ropes with them to be able to pull it out. David fired another cannonball into the water, drawing the mermaids away, but one of them went right towards the net, her tail getting tangled in the ropes. "We caught one!" Mary Margaret cried out in victory.

"One? There are dozens of them," Regina stated calmly, another cannon going into the water from David's position. Summoning a fireball in her hand, Regina sneered, "Enough of this," and threw her flames into the water. The power of the fire drew the mermaids away, their forms fleeing from the ship as Regina sent one last fireball towards the sea. The ocean calmed finally, and Hook regained control of the helm. "There. They're gone."

"Not all of them," Mary Margaret stated, she, Y/n, and Emma still pulling on the ropes to bring in the mermaid they caught. "What about that one?"

With a flick of her wrist, Regina magicked the mermaid onto the deck of the ship, the creature looking around in panic as she flipped her tail on the dry deck of the ship. She grunted and whimpered in fear of being out of the ocean, looking around at her captors past her dark, nearly black, eyes.

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now