Witch Hunt

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The Enchanted Forest...

Regina stood in front of the large trench around her castle, looking up at it grimly. The others walked back behind her as she let out a sigh, wanting to return to her former home. Y/n came up to her mother, who was walking beside Red as they followed the men, glancing back at Regina, who had not moved from her place beside the trench.

"Seems like old times, doesn't it?" Red asked, and looked over to Snow. "Except not running from Regina, but with her."

"She's changed," Snow shrugged a little bit. "I have to believe for the better."

"I hope it sticks. But regardless, she doesn't look too good. If she hadn't tried to hurt us so many times, I might be worried about her," Red stated, looking over to Regina.

"I'll talk to her," Snow said, and Y/n looked from Red to Snow before following her mother towards Regina. Everyone was passing by her, but she remained still as Snow and Y/n approached, David noticing their movement and following. "You ready to make camp soon, Regina?"

Regina didn't answer her, merely keeping her eyes forward as Y/n said, "You're still thinking about Henry."

"I'm always thinking about Henry," Regina claimed, and Snow looked down a little bit before Y/n noticed the slight smirk that dotted Regina's face before she began walking with them and continued. "But, I was also thinking there are tunnels that run under the castle. They may run beneath the spell."

"Which means we can sneak an army inside," David deduced, his head set on a full frontal attack.

"An army would be detected."

"So, how do the tunnels help us?" Snow questioned her.

"Because it can get me inside," Regina smiled a little bit. "And if I can get inside, then I can lower the shield. Then, you can send in your army."

David nodded his head, but as soon as he did, the familiar screeching noise they heard from before echoed in the sky above them. Looking up, they saw the creature, but this time, it was a lot clearer. It had large bird wings on its back, a tail, sharp claws, was covered in fur, and appeared to have arms and legs. It's orange eyes glowed as it began its descent upon them, Neal shouting out to those who hadn't seen it yet. Snow loaded her bow while David and Y/n drew their swords. The creature almost knocked into Neal, who dropped just in time, but a little boy stood in the way of the creature's path. The boy looked back to see the monster flying his way, but just as he let out a scream of fright, Regina ran forward and grabbed the boy, shielding him from the creature and pulling him out of the way.

The creature twirled upwards and landed on a tree before beginning it's flight back down. Regina stepped away from the boy and said, "Not so fast," as she put up her hand. The creature folded in on itself and was covered by a pink smoke, falling to the ground before the smoke disappeared at Regina's feet. Where the creature once was now lay a stuffed monkey toy. Y/n let out a breath as Robin ran forward and picked up the boy, Roland, and Regina walked over to them with the toy in her hand. "See? Not so scary. Now you have a new toy."

As Roland took the toy in his hand, Robin breathed out, "Thank you." Regina gave him one last smile before the adrenaline of the moment ebbed away, and they gathered together around her.

"What the hell was that thing?" David asked, sheathing his sword as he looked at the group.

"The same kind of monster that attacked us on our journey here," Snow stated, a little edge in her voice.

"I don't think it's a coincidence that it was, either," Y/n said as she crossed her arms.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say it looked an awful lot like a monkey," Grumpy said.

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now