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Emma, Henry, and Y/n followed David's truck as they sped through the town to reach the hospital. By the time they got out of the car to follow the couple inside, they could hear Mary Margaret's grunts of pain as she was rolled in by a wheelchair. They quickly ran after them, Mary Margaret screaming out with each contraction that hit her as they were wheeled into the nearest room they could get them into. Regina was called, and she soon arrived to help aid them in protecting the baby from Zelena.

"Emma, Y/n," Regina called, gaining their attention from their mother screaming and gasping at the pain of each contraction. "I need you two to help me set up a protection spell around the room. With both of your magic combined, I think it'll be enough to keep the witch at bay."

"You think?" Y/n repeated, shifting in her stance.

"Considering Emma is the only one who's magic can defeat Zelena, I have to hope that the power we have together can block her," Regina continued, and Y/n nodded her head. "Emma, block the main entrance. Y/n and I can put up a spell for the back."

Emma nodded, moving towards the hallway as Regina joined Y/n's side. "Let's hope those lessons you taught me stuck in my head," Y/n said as she took a breath.

"Hm. Just glad to have my apprentice back," Regina claimed, giving the woman a quirk of her lip. Now that Y/n remembered her training, she was no longer afraid of her magic. True, she feared what it would do to her heart in the future, but she didn't have time to ponder that.

Putting up their hands, Y/n could feel it through her as the shimmering barrier, with her and Regina's magic combined, formed in front of them. "You really think this protection spell will be enough to hold her off?" Emma asked, turning once all of them were finished.

"Depends if your brand of magic is stronger than hers," Regina said, approaching the blonde. "If it is, no one wielding dark magic will be able to get in here."

"That doesn't sound like a vote of confidence," Emma pointed out Regina's hesitant face.

"It isn't. But we're out of options."

"Uh, question," Y/n pretended to raise her hand but put it down once attention was towards her. "What about my magic?"

"Yours and Emma's bond should be enough so that her magic doesn't abstain from you entering, and considering you helped put this barrier up, you should be free to come and go should you need to," Regina explained for her, to which Y/n nodded.

Regina moved aside to watch over Mary Margaret, but just as Y/n was going to go speak with her mother and father, she heard, "Adler?" Both her and Emma turned, seeing Hook standing sheepishly in the hospital hall as he approached. "I heard the little royal was on his way."

"Hook, you can't be here right now," Y/n said, stepping forward and stopping him with her hand.

"I want to help," he stated as he stopped in front of her.

"If that was true, you would've told me when Zelena cursed you. We could've figured something out," Y/n told him, and she could feel Emma's gaze over her shoulder as she glared at the pirate.

"I had no choice. She threatened you and your family," Hook tried. "I was trying to help."

"Telling us what was going on would've been help," Emma spoke up, and Hook couldn't help the twinge of irritation at her speaking up. Once more, he was back to being the filthy pirate Emma tried her hardest to keep her sister away from.

"And a death sentence for your boy."

"Henry's safety is my concern, not yours," Emma claimed, her next words earning a look of confusion from her sister. "Which is why I need to take this fight to Zelena. This ends today."

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now