It's Not Easy Being Green

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The Enchanted Forest...

Y/n's eyes were closed as she stood in the center of the castle courtyard. Regina stood to the side, watching as she did. Just like in Neverland, there was a firepit right in front of Y/n, and all she had to do was light it. Opening her palm, she focused on the anger she felt deep within her. Anger at Emma, Hook, her parents, even herself. She could feel the darkness trying to take over part of her heart as she did so, but she resisted.

"Don't resist it, Y/n," Regina said from the side, seeing the struggle in her contorted face. "Focus on that anger, and use it to light the pit."

Y/n took a breath, knowing that if she didn't learn how to control this, it would only make it worse for the rest of her family, plus herself. Bringing forward all that anger, she opened her eyes and looked to her palm to see a flame had burst to life there. Evening her breaths, she dropped the flame into the firepit, causing it to light up brightly. "There. Let there be light," Y/n said simply as she looked into the pit.

"You would be so far ahead in your studies if you only learned to stop resisting," Regina said with a shake of her head. Regina had tried to use certain tactics that would lead to the light, but every time she tried, nothing would emerge from Y/n. Only when she gave into the darkness did Y/n manage to conjure up magic.

"I can't help it," Y/n groaned, running a hand through her loose hair. "I just- I feel the darkness creeping up in me and I know I can't but I try to stop it because I know my parents-"

"You're parents don't matter in this situation," Regina interrupted her, making Y/n raise an eyebrow slightly. "As long as you can control the darkness, you won't let it hurt anyone except those you wish harm upon. Look at me. I've used dark magic most my life and, although there were moments in my life I used it for evil, now I turn it towards good. For Henry."

"Yes, but Regina, that just the thing," Y/n said, walking over to the queen. "You're doing everything you can to be good for Henry. I don't have anyone like that. My motivation is... weak. Easily corruptible by the darkness, and I can feel it. Emma and my parents just aren't enough, especially now."

"As long as you don't murder anyone, I think you'll be just fine," Regina brushed it off. "And I don't think you have no one. The pirate sword you own says otherwise."

"Regina!" Y/n exclaimed to Regina's insinuation. "I've told you a thousand times, there's nothing between Hook and I. He made his feelings clear when he ran off from here in search of his ship." At Regina's raised eyebrow, Y/n quickly added, "Not that I cared."

"Denial must run in your family," Regina said, and Y/n gave her a little eye roll. "Come. I think you've learned enough about your magic over the past few weeks to try and attempt some teleportation spells."

"Already?" Y/n asked, picking up the bottom of her blue dress a little to follow Regina further into the courtyard.

"You're more powerful than you know. Or even I know," Regina stated, stopping and turning to face her. "So, are you going to let me teach you, or should we stop now and let you keep fighting your own magic?"

"What do I have to do?" Y/n asked as she stood her ground, Regina giving a sly grin her way before stepping back, her lesson beginning.


So much had happened in Storybrooke. Too much. They had finally found Neal, only to discover that he was both Neal and Gold trapped in the same body. In the Enchanted Forest, Neal had tried to bring him back, but the cost to revive Rumplestiltskin was his own life. Instead of letting his son die, Gold merged them together, driving himself mad, until Emma separated the two of them and evidently led to Neal's death. Y/n was saddened to hear that Henry had lost his father once more, only for him not to remember what a good man he was, and she was heartbroken over the fact that Emma was once again alone.

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now