New York City Serenade

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Y/n's eyes burst open as she sat up in her bed. She breathed deeply, looking around at where she was. When she saw the familiar bed she had in Storybrooke, along with her familiar room in her mother's apartment, she furrowed her eyebrows in utter confusion. "What the..." she said. The last thing she could remember was Pan's curse cloud enveloping them in the magic, before suddenly, everything went dark. She thought the curse was supposed to erase Storybrooke from the map, and bring them all back to the Enchanted Forest. That was the entire reason they sent Emma and Henry away. So that it would work. Was this Pan's curse?

Getting up from her bed, she felt completely normal. She still remembered who she was, so that was a good thing. Stepping on the the cold floor, she put a robe around her pajamas before walking down the stairs to the apartment, looking to see anything abnormal. Tying the last knot on the robe, she gazed out the window by the sofa, seeing that Storybrooke was still there. She heard a groan coming from Mary Margaret and David's room, and looked to see them both rousing from their sleep.

"Mom! Dad!" Y/n said as she ran towards them, the couple blinking around as their eyes focused on their daughter.

"Y/n?' David asked as he stood up from the bed, looking around at their surroundings. "We're still in Storybrooke... how?"

"I don't know," Y/n said, looking around as Mary Margaret let out a groan. "Mom? Are you okay?"

"I'm not sure..." she said, and when she stood from the bed, she let out a cry. "Oh, my goodness!"

Y/n stared down at her mother's belly, as did David. It was round, and stuck out from the rest of her body. "Mom? You're..."

"I'm pregnant," Mary Margaret gasped, looking down at her stomach. "David... what is going on?"

"I don't know," David said, looking around the apartment in slight panic. "But we need to find out. Now."

One Year Ago...

A man on a horse rode through the fog that surrounded the Enchanted Forest. His urged his steed forward as fast as he could, running through the large trees until he reached a plain of grass surrounded by the forest. Running through the path it led him to, he came out of the woods and looked to the gazebo in front of him where his beautiful wife, pregnant with his child, was waiting for him.

"You're late," Aurora said as she looked to her husband, finishing setting up their picnic.

"I came as quickly as I could," Philip said, approaching his wife.

"I'm hungry. And I miss you," Aurora said with a smile, giving Philip a kiss as he embraced her.

"You are always hungry now," he told her pointedly, looking down at her slightly pregnant belly.

"And cranky," she confessed as he held his hand against her stomach. "I'm sorry. I know there are royal responsibilities. I shouldn't-"

"None that match my responsibilities to you," Philip grinned down at her. "And our family. I'm the one who should be sorry."

A sudden rumbling of thunder broke their moment of peace, and they looked in the distance to see dark purple clouds approaching them, flickering with lightning. Aurora stepped away from her husband and looked at the clouds, asking, "What is that? Is it- Is it a storm?"

Philip looked at the hue of the clouds, and watched as their horses neighed in panic, rearing back before running away. The wind picked up harshly around them, and a large crack of thunder alerted them to it's fast approaching nature. "That's not a storm. It's magic! Come, we need to get you to safety! Now!" They ran as fast as they could, but it was not enough to avoid the curse cloud that encased them both. As it faded and disappeared into the air, they huddled together, Philip checking over his wife and asking, "Are you all right?"

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now