It's Not Easy Being Green pt 2

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The Enchanted Forest...

"One. Two. Three. Back!"

Y/n grunted as she felt the metal of David's sword hit that of her own. He turned and changed his attack position, to which she quickly dodged and brought up her blade to meet his once more. David gave her a slight smile as he watched his daughter prepare her stance once they separated, masterfully holding up her sword in preparation. "You're a natural, Y/n," he stated, the two of them circling each other as each watched warily for the other's attack.

"Nah. I've just got a great teacher," Y/n said back with a smile, stopping and bringing up her heavy sword. She lunged forward, David meeting her strike and pushing back, before they went to a rally of swings back and forth.

Snow looked down from the balcony of her room, watching her daughter and her husband as they fought. She felt the slight bump growing on her stomach, letting out a small sigh as she watched Y/n drop and roll out of an attack from her father. Laughter echoed from the both of them, and Snow smiled. She could see Y/n was finally getting used to being a part of this world, no matter how much of a change it was for her.

David let out a slight yell as he charged forward, seeing as Y/n was better than he thought. His attacks became rougher, and Y/n could see he was coming at her harder than before. Putting up her defense, she maneuvered her feet along with the movement of her sword, her arms burning from the use of the heavy metal. With one finally push forward, David had managed to swing the sword from her hands and lay the tip of his blade against her neck, her own clattering to the ground. "Your left was wide open," he told her, and she let out a huff as he dropped the weapon from her skin.

"Damnit," she mumbled, walking over to grab her sword from the ground. Y/n knew she was better than this, and with the Wicked Witch on the loose, she knew she had to be if she didn't want to die.

"Y/n, don't beat yourself up about this. You're an incredible fighter already," David claimed as they walked back to the armory, Y/n's steps much more upset than his. "Being honest, you're far better than I was when I learned."

"I'm not angry because of that," Y/n said as she put her sword back in its sheath, turning to face her father. He looked at her expectantly, worry in his eyes. "I just... I know that we don't have the time to teach me all this. The Wicked Witch is out there somewhere, and I know I can't be a novice at any of this when she strikes at us."

"We haven't heard anything from the Witch in weeks, Y/n," David consoled her, trying to put his hands on her shoulders, only for her to pull away to set up her sword. "You're already an amazing swordsman, and with Regina teaching you how to control your magic, it won't be long before when she does strike, you'll be ready."

Y/n let out a sigh, and looked towards her father. David was trying to hard in the Enchanted Forest, just like he was in Storybrooke. "We can't possibly know that, Dad," Y/n said quietly, and took off the gloves on her hands before walking out, leaving a downtrodden David behind.


Emma, David, Belle, and Tink left to figure out how to close down Main Street for the upcoming witch battle, while Y/n, Mary Margaret, and Regina went to Regina's vault to search through her mother's items to find any indication that she and Zelena were sisters. Y/n coughed at the dust as she looked through the different fancy dresses and chests of God knows what kind of potion ingredients. Y/n was too afraid to ask what was in some of the vials.

Mary Margaret, after a long time searching, grew tired and looked over to Regina, saying, "Regina, is she telling the truth?"

"I don't know. I haven't found anything yet," Regina said as she looked through a large chest.

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