Snow Drift pt 3

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Y/n watched Hook from afar as she sat in the dusty tavern inn, watching as he play a game of chance surrounded by fair ladies and men of his crew. Except this wasn't really Hook. This man was Hook from the past, with a red vest under his usual black leather jacket, and that tell tale hook upon his left arm. A burning feel erupted in her gut, and she shook her head to turn away once present Hook started talking.

"There I am," he stated, watching himself. He turned to Y/n and smirked, saying, "Rather dashing, don't you think?"

"Do you really think this is a good idea?" she asked, her gaze turning away from past Hook to look at her Hook. "Isn't the entire idea of what we're doing here to be preserving the future? Not to cause more anachronisms?"

"It'll be fine. Given what I'm drinking, if I remember anything, I'll simply blame the rum," Hook replied, once again casting his eyes towards his past self. "Just make sure that I-... he remains occupied and doesn't return to my ship. I'll take care of the rest."

Y/n sighed, saying, "I guess considering Emma is a little busy trying to find King Midas' castle with Rumple..." She trailed off and took off the cloak over her shoulders. She began undoing the front laces of her corset to loosen her bosom a little bit for show.

"Wha- What are you doing?!" Hook quickly asked, stopping her with his hand up. His eyes glanced from her breasts to her eyes, and she knew her plan would work out just fine.

"Making sure that I keep him occupied," Y/n replied with a little smirk. "Given our history, I think we both know I'm his type."

She stood, intending to go over to the past Hook, but present Hook stood and stopped her by saying, "Adler, that man sitting there, you don't know him. Be careful." His voice was strained, as was his expression as he looked her over.

Y/n's grin widened as she met his eyes. "My God, Captain. Are you jealous?" Hook didn't respond, and instead gazed down to the floor. "Killian," she said, and drew up his gaze. "We both know that I met you at your worst. I could handle you just fine then, I can handle him just fine now. I'll just need to take a different course of action than last time." Killian hesitated, but moved past her to leave the tavern. Y/n took a deep breath, looking from the bar to the pirate. Hook had another lady in his arms, and she knew she couldn't just walk up to him to get them away from one another. He most likely was intending to sleep with her for the night. A plan struck inside her head, and she walked up to the bar to give the innkeeper a smile and say, "Excuse me, sir. What's your best ale?"

"Why that would be our Cintran Ale. Comes imported from the Continent," the innkeeper replied, and Y/n held her tongue at exclaiming that even The Witcher was a real story in this realm.

"Order one for that handsome pirate over there, please. Tell him who it's from," she said and took out a few coins she managed to find in her dress. She was lucky. The person these clothes belonged to forgot to take out a small bag of coin she could use.

Y/n watched the innkeeper take the money and pour the ale, waiting patiently for the drink to be delivered to the pirate captain. Outwardly she kept her cool, but inside she was panicking over her idea. What if it didn't work? What if past Hook saw Killian while he was still at his ship? What if he sent back the ale with no interest in her? That thought alone made her heart crumble as she imagine a life without-

"Hello, love."

She turned her head, and was struck by the sultry expression the captain was giving her. Hook, leaned against the bar, a smirk dotting his lips as his blue eyes trailed her figure, stopping at her exposed bosom. She rejoiced a little inside, for her plan was working. Now all she had to do was keep him occupied. "Good evening, sir," she replied with as well a soft voice as she could make.

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