The New Neverland pt 2

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Calling Regina, they got a blanket to cover Mother Superior in before they could deal with her. Neal turned up shortly after, Emma having called him about the incident. As Regina came to the nun's home with Henry at her side, she looked on the scene, gaping when she saw them covering the dead body of Blue. "What the hell happened?" Regina asked as she reached their side.

"The shadow killed her," Y/n said, looking from Blue to Regina. "Pan's shadow."

"I trapped it on the sail," Regina stated, slightly confused.

"Yeah, well, it got free," Emma said, her voice low and quiet.

Regina looked down, feeling just a little bit guilty her spell didn't hold it there as Neal said, "Hook, let's go back to the ship and get the candle. If it strikes again, we need to be able to capture it." Hook nodded, and the two of them, with Tink, set off towards the ship.

"Pan's behind this, I know it," Emma said as she stood up.

"Well, he's trapped in a box under the floor of Gold's shop," Regina stated.

"Who else would be doing this?"

"So, Pan can still hurt me?" Henry questioned as he gained their attention, voice quivering just enough for them to hear.

"We don't know that," Regina soothed him.

"But we have to assume he's still a threat," Mary Margaret said.

"And that he's after Henry," Emma added on.

"Then what am I doing here?" Henry suddenly burst out, making Y/n narrow her eyes. Never, in the near two years she had known Henry, had he ever wanted to back down from helping them fight the enemy. Even if his own life was in danger, he would still go against their wishes and fight. It became quite the hassle sometimes, but right now, because he wasn't doing it, that just made Y/n even more suspicious of her nephew's behavior.

"He's right. He's not safe out in the open," David stated, not catching the oddity of Henry's outburst.

"You'll protect me, right?" Henry rounded to Regina, who looked on compassionate for her son as Emma tilted her head with crossed eyebrows.

"Yes, of course!" Regina exclaimed, pulling him in for a hug.

Shaking her head free of the thoughts, Emma nodded to Regina and said, "Go. We'll take care of the shadow." As Regina headed off with Henry on her hand, Emma called her once more. "Regina, wait." As Henry kept going, Regina turned to Emma as she said in a lowered tone, "Keep a close eye on him."

Confused, Regina hesitated before saying, "I already said I would."

"I know... he just doesn't seem quite himself," Emma tried, not wanting to seem like she was unintentionally insulting Regina.

"Really? You mean because he asked for me?" Regina shot back, Emma's attempt failing.

"No! I-I didn't... I didn't mean that."

"That's exactly what you meant," Regina cut her off, and Emma visibly deflated. "You can't face the fact that I'm his mother, too. And maybe, just maybe, he wants me when he's frightened. You forget, I have ten years of soothing his nightmares under my belt. He's fine."

"It's not about you, Regina. I just have a gut feeling," Emma told her, trying to fix the tension.

"Well, maybe you can use that gut feeling to find the shadow instead of obsessing over who's gonna comfort our son," Regina said, and turned around to lead Henry away from the scene.

Emma stepped back to her family, Y/n waiting with crossed arms as she watched Henry and Regina walk away. "Emma," she called, getting her sister's attention. "Have you noticed Henry's... odd behavior lately?"

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora