Think Lovely Thoughts

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When Tink collected herself for the journey, they all set off, following Tink towards Pan's camp so that she could get them into his ranks without them being noticed. It was a long walk, following Tink instead of the map so that Pan wouldn't be able to change the course of their journey at the drop of a hat. David held to Mary Margaret's hand and said, "I'm gonna ask how close we are to Pan's compound. I don't want to be surprised by any Lost Boys on patrol."

"Good idea," Mary Margaret said, her original icy exterior from before seemingly having thawed away.

"Looks like you two buried the hatchet," Emma said as she and Y/n came up on either side of their mother.

"Buried... Uh, I don't know," Mary Margaret said, and they gave her questioning looks. "We've at least put it away for now."

"So... you're really staying here in Neverland with him?" Y/n asked, crossing her arms.

Mary Margaret hesitated, but shook her head and said, "The thought of leaving you girls, Y/n, it kills me, but there's nothing we can do. If David leaves the island, he'll die."

"So you're just giving up?" Emma said, but her question turned into a statement as she said it. "Family means being together, all of us."

"But, there's no other way."

"Maybe this is just you rubbing off on me, but I don't believe that," Emma said, her arms around herself as Mary Margaret looked between her daughters.

"You've always told us there's always a way, and we have to trust that there can be now," Y/n said.

Before another word could be spoken, the brush rustled ahead of them, and they prepared themselves for some sort of attack, taking out their weapons. When they saw it was just Regina and Gold, they sighed in relief. "Well, if this is your version of a rescue party, we got here just in time," Regina said, and Y/n wasn't sure if she missed her unrelenting sarcasm or not.

"What are you two doing here?" Mary Margaret said as they put away their weapons.

"The same as you. Except we actually have a chance," Regina claimed, and gestured to the small grey box in Gold's hands. It had etchings of gears and Greek letters on it, with a large, round, red jewel on the top. "Pandora's Box. It can trap Pan for an eternity simply by opening the lid."

"You didn't tell me my father was with her," Neal said to Emma in a lowered voice.

"I didn't know," she replied.

"Wait, your father is the Dark One?" Tink asked, looking at Gold with hesitancy.

"Yeah, and he's not getting anywhere near Henry," Neal stated, raising his voice.

"Bae..." Gold tried.

"What? Why not?" Y/n asked, looking from Gold to Neal in confusion.

"There's a prophecy that says that Henry will be his undoing. He didn't come here to save him, he came here to kill him," Neal accused, putting everyone back on guard as Gold stood, looking at his son regretfully.

"That's why you didn't want to find Neal before you got Henry back," Regina claimed, looking at Gold in fury. "Because you knew he'd spill your secret."

"Everything I did was to protect Henry. To save him from Pan," Gold defended himself, but to no avail.

"It all makes sense," Emma said, raising her sword. "You left before we even made shore."

"You wanted to get to Henry first..." Mary Margaret raised her bow at the Dark One.

"To be on his own..." David drew his sword, as did Hook.

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora