Snow Drifts pt 2

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Y/n spit the dirt out of her mouth when she landed harshly on the ground, the time portal expelling her, her sister, and Hook from its trappings. She groaned, the impact rough against the forest floor, and it was only then she realized that she was laying on a forest floor. Looking around in shock, she realized that they were no longer in Storybrooke.

"No. No!" Emma spoke when she got up, looking around and dusting herself off.

"It appears we're back in the Enchanted Forest," Hook managed out as he stood, holding himself from the pain of the fall.

"Yeah, I think we got that," Y/n said, rubbing her aching side. She had landed near a tree root, which dug into her side.

"The only question is when."

Emma's light gasp alerted them to her gaze. "Emma?" Y/n questioned, standing and approaching her sister's side. When she saw what Emma did, she let out a sigh. "Oh, good God."

"I have a pretty good idea," Emma answered him, and Hook stood to look upon the Wanted poster that was nailed to the tree. Snow White for crimes against the Queen. Murder. Treason. Treachery.

"Damn, Regina really had it in for Snow, huh?" Y/n stated, looking at the murder accusation on the Wanted poster.

"Well, I suppose we're lucky we wound up in this time," Hook spoke up, a little optimism in his words. "We could've appeared in the middle of the Ogre Wars. Or smack dab in the belly of a whale."

Y/n heard Emma rustling with Hook's knapsack, and said, "Oh, now you wanna read that?"

"When we were falling through, I was thinking about Henry and the story we were all reading at Granny's," Emma answered, the pages now open wide for her.

"You think that time portals work like any other sort?" Hook questioned. "They take you back to where you're thinking of?"

"Not where. When."

"Thank you, Sherlock," Y/n claimed, and Hook gave a bewildered look at the name drop he didn't understand. "On a more important note, the portal seems to have something else in common with the others. They don't stay open if you accidentally drop through."

"So it seems," Hook said, and took the book from Emma's hand to put it back in his satchel.

"We're trapped in the past," Emma said, her voice low. "I should've left Storybrooke the instant we defeated Zelena. This is exactly the kind of thing that does not happen in New York!"

"Emma, please," Y/n snapped, still a little angered at her sister. "That's your issue right now?"

"Well, on the bright side, I'm sure real estate's much more reasonable here," Hook tried to diffuse the tension with a joke and a charming smile.


"I understand your frustration," Hook quickly remedied at Emma's irritated tone, "but we've been in dire straits before. There's no need to be antsy. We have our wits. We just have to focus on being constructive." Y/n watched him with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow as he looked around for a moment, shifting on his feet awkwardly before saying, "So, any ideas how to get back?"

"How would I know how to get back to the future? Who do I look like? Marty McFly?" Emma snapped his way, Y/n cracking a light grin at the pop culture reference.

"Marty Mc-Who?" Hook questioned.

"Back to the Future?" Y/n continued her sister's words, hoping maybe he'd seen it during his time in Storybrooke. "You know, the kid with the DeLorean and he goes back in time and his mom tries to... Uh, well, he goes back in time and-."

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