Going Home

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"Another curse. It's happening again?" Mary Margaret asked as they all gathered outside Regina's vault. With the news that came with finding her, they had all taken to leaving the vault as Gold spoke to them all as a group, the looming shadow of Pan's new plan hovering above their heads.

"Gold, this curse, is it going to work like the last one?" Emma asked, holding Henry at her side, who was still trapped in Pan's body.

"The last one was created to service the Queen's wishes. This will be done per Pan's desire," Gold said with a disappointed sigh. "I would count on something hellish."

"The curse was built to be unstoppable. There's nothing that can be done," Regina stated, and the hopelessness travelled over them in waves.

"Well, it is possible to stop it," Gold revealed to her. At Regina's question, he continued, "By using the scroll itself. It can only be undone by the person who used the scroll. That's you, Regina."

"What do I have to do?" Regina asked as he pointed to her.

"You must destroy the scroll. And both your curse and his shall be ended. But know this, there will be a price. A steep one," Gold explained.

"What do you suggest?"

"Instead of going to him, bring him to us with a spell," Gold said, and Regina tilted her head in question. "One that will return Pan and Henry to their own bodies."

"If I'm back in my own body, that means I'll have the scroll. I can bring it to you guys," Henry said, catching on.

"Exactly right, Henry," Gold praised him.

"Even you aren't powerful enough to cast such a spell," Regina said while shaking her head at him.

"Well, given the proper tool, I could be," Gold fired back.

"The Black Fairy's wand," Tink spoke up, drawing the attention to her at the mention of the device. "One of the most powerful fairies that ever existed. Well-versed in dark magic. The Blue Fairy exiled her, but before she did, she took her wand."

"I assume our dearly departed Mother Superior had it hidden at her residence," Gold said, telling them where they needed to go.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's hit the convent," David said, and looked to Hook, who nodded his head.

"Can I come?" Tink asked. "I should pay my respects to Blue, after all."

"Then, it's settled," Gold claimed, and everyone looked back to him. "The rest of us should get back to my shop and prepare Henry for the spell."

Heading back to Gold's shop, Y/n and Emma walked in the back to see Mary Margaret with her hand under a little blue crystal unicorn that hung from a mobile, other white and blue unicorns joining it. Stepping away from it, she looked to the mobile next to it, where instead of unicorns, it was red and white pegasi. "These mobiles hung above your cribs," Mary Margaret said as she gently held one of the little winged horses in her palm as Y/n looked it over. Correcting herself, she said, "Uh, they were supposed to hang over your cribs. Emma, you had the unicorns, and Y/n... the pegasus."

"I like the pegasus," Y/n said, somewhat soothing their mother as she gave them a smile.

Letting her hand down, she closed her eyes and said, "Giving you up when the curse hit was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Every time I look at you girls, I wonder what would have happen if I hadn't had to."

"I do the same thing with Henry," Emma said.

"You were doing your best. You were giving him-"

"His best chance," Emma finished for her, and walked around the other side of the mobile. "Yeah. But still. Things would have been very different if I had kept him. We would've had a life together. A normal one. Back in Boston, or someplace else." Mary Margaret and Y/n watched her as she contemplated all this. "But I guess all that was just not meant to be." Y/n gave her a tiny smile, before Emma turned to Henry, for the boy had just came in and was sitting down on the bed in the back of Gold's shop with Regina and Belle at his side. "You doing okay, kid?"

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now