The Jolly Roger

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The Enchanted Forest...

Y/n sat in her room, reading a book of spells that Regina had given her as 'homework' for when they weren't working on her magic in their lessons. Sitting by her large window, she let out a sigh as she flipped another page, the elvish on the paper becoming easier and easier to read with each turn. One of the first things Regina taught her was how to read this elvish and how to translate it towards her needs. If Y/n was being honest with herself, she felt like she was in Middle-Earth of some sorts as she tried to read the language.

A small bird landed just outside her window, pecking its beak against the glass. Y/n was startled out of her reading, and looked up at the little red cardinal. It's red feathers clashed against the color of the sky, brightening as clouds covered the vast expanse. Looking at its leg, she saw a piece of paper rolled up attached. Setting down her book and marking the page with a feather, she got up and adjusted her dress as she opened the window, the little bird flying in and landing right on her vanity. It tweeted and chirped as she sat down in front of it, removing the little note. As soon as she did, the bird flew away, but only up to her window once more. It appeared to be waiting.

Unrolling the scroll, Y/n cast her eyes upon the penmanship, the letters twisting and swirling. Slightly furrowing her eyebrows, she glanced at the waiting cardinal before reading the first few words, her heart nearly leaping out of her chest when she read it through.

My dearest Y/n,

I once told you that I would write you when I found my ship. I seem to have taken a pause on such a promise, for I am still searching for my Jolly Roger. But, I couldn't wait another day.

I dearly hope you don't hate me, although given the nature of my departure, I can only imagine I left less than pleasant feelings in your heart for me. I hope that with this letter such afflictions will be remedied.

I hope you know there is not a day I don't think of you, Princess. But my ship is my home, and if the Roger is out there, she's well worth finding. I'm not set for the life of a land lover, but understand that my pursuit of you is not a conquest in my eyes. It is not something that I hope to gain for my own pleasure of your company. You mean a great deal to me, and although I promised your sister I would remain away, I never promised I wouldn't try to keep you as close as I can from the confides of my tavern room.

The cardinal will remain until you send him off. I sincerely hope this leads to your response. If not, I hope you enjoy your new life with your family, although the royal life suits you less than I expect the life of a pirate would. Should you ever grow bored, send a letter, and find me.

Your devilishly handsome pirate,


Y/n let out a breath as she finished reading the letter, setting it down on her vanity and looking it over for a moment. She didn't think Hook would actually keep his promise and write to her from his voyages. She always thought that this... whatever was going on between them was just another adventure for him. Being able to steal the girl like some crappy plot to an equally bad movie. His words set something in her, and she took a breath before grabbing the quill sitting beside her and some paper. She began writing, and she couldn't stop writing. She had ink smudges on her fingers by the time she was finished, rolling up the letter and tying it to the leg of the bird.

"Return to Killian Jones. To Captain Hook," Y/n whispered to the bird when she finished, watching as it tweeted its special song before flying away. Watching as the small bird rose into the air, she let out a deep breath and leaned against the open windowsill. "What am I getting myself into?" Looking down from her window, she saw her parents walking through the courtyard, happy as could be. Her hand leaned on her cheek, looking back inside her room. Her large, empty room.

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