There's No Place Like Home

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Y/n struggled against her captor's hands, her beautiful purple dress removed and replaced with a black ragged dress. She was shoved into a cell, her hands landing on the sharp gravel beneath her when she heard Emma be shoved in with her. Emma was given a cloak. Y/n wasn't, so she snuggled up close to herself at the cold feel of the dungeon.

"Are you all right?" they heard from the next cell over, and turned their heads to see a woman sitting across from them. Her red cloak was huddled over her body.

"Yeah. I think so. Thanks," Emma responded, shaking off the gravel. "I'm... Leia, and this is my sister..."

"Diana," Y/n answered Emma's blank. Neither of them had told one another their cover names, so hearing Emma had picked the Star Wars princess made her blink in surprise.

"I wish I could say it was nice to meet you two," the woman said, looking warily outside her cell doors.

"Under the circumstances of our meeting, no hard feelings," Y/n replied with a shake of her head.

"What's your name?" Emma asked, holding the cell bars separating them.

The woman didn't answer immediately. Instead, she cast one more wary glance outside her cell and whispered, "I dare not speak it here. The Queen doesn't know who I am, and my silence is the only thing keeping my family safe."

"She's pretty ruthless, huh?" The woman didn't respond to Emma's words. When Emma noticed, she cast a glance at her sister before turning back to the woman and holding out a stolen piece of bread. "Here, you hungry? I swiped it off a food tray on my way down."

The woman stood and gratefully took the bread, but Emma stood stunned. Y/n furrowed her brows as the woman said, "What? What is it?" But when Y/n stood, the cold returning, she was able to see the woman's face clearly in the dark. It was the same woman Regina had paraded around the village when they first arrived in the past.

"I... saw you in the village with the Queen. I wanted to help, but-"

"It's all right," the woman stopped her. "If you had tried to free me, you would've just ended up in here a day sooner."

"What are you in here for?" Y/n questioned her, standing beside her sister with her hand on the cell bars.

Once again, the woman whispered to them as she said, "I knew where Snow White was hiding, but I refused to tell the Queen."

"You gave up your freedom to ensure Snow White's?" Emma stated with shock in her tone.

"Yes," the woman nodded with certainty. "I believe her to be innocent."

"How long are you in here for?" Y/n spoke, but the woman gulped at her question.

"Same as you," she said, her voice now solemn. "Just one more night."

"Only one night?" Y/n repeated, glancing toward her sister. "That's it? Is Regina going soft?"

"No," the woman denied, making Y/n tilt her head. "One night, because tomorrow everyone in here is to be executed."

The sisters shared a look of horror. If they couldn't get out, they were screwed. Emma was the savior. What would happen to the future if the savior was executed in the past? Y/n could only hope that Killian was closer to breaking them out than they were of finding a way out.


It was odd for Killian to be sitting so civilly with David. Both of them have tried to kill one another in the past, and even in the future, they were still at odds with one another. Killian tended to the fire while he and David waited for Snow to return with her friend. They charged her with helping them get into the castle to get David's ring back, and for Killian to get Y/n and Emma back. Killian took his sword back to his side, and looked at David as he asked, "You excited for your nuptials?"

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