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Emma stood in front of a small pile of charred wood, focusing hard as she looked at it. Y/n was sitting on a small log across from her as she played with the grass, watching as Emma looked at the wood in front of her. And Regina, well, she was trying to teach Emma how to use the magic she was given. It was rough work, considering that Regina was quite often a hardass, but they knew out of all of them, Regina was the only one that could teach her anything. Mary Margaret and David had asked Y/n if she wanted to try, but she quickly said no. She knew they were only doing it to make her feel equal beside her sister, whom they asked to learn first.

"Focus," Regina said from her seat, making Emma turned to her slightly. Standing up with grit, Regina said louder, "Concentrate!"

"It's kind of hard when you're talking in my ear," Emma snapped back, making Regina look at her, annoyed.

"And when the wind blows, or it's raining, or... someone's shooting arrows at you," Regina listed off, coming around to the other side of Emma. "Yes, concentration's hard. That's the point. Find your anger and use it to focus."

"No. There has to be a way without going dark," Emma insisted, making Y/n roll her eyes slightly before catching herself.

Regina dropped her hands in disbelief and said, "You're such a pathetic waste of ability!"

"And you're a monster," Emma said with her gritted teeth.

Regina pretended to smell the air, her lip lifting as she asked, "Smell that?"


Regina smirked, and pointed behind Emma at the wood, saying, "Smoke." The wood was now aflame, a tiny fire lit in the camp as Regina walked away and Emma raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"This is a bad idea," Y/n heard David whisper, making her let out a sigh of her own.

"She has it in her, she should learn to use it. We just have to trust her," Mary Margaret countered.

"Yeah, it's not Emma I don't trust," David said, making Mary Margaret glance over to him.

Mary Margaret let out a breath and gave a small glance to Y/n, making sure she wasn't listening, before whispering to David. "What about Y/n? She has magic too, but can we trust that it can be good?"

David exhaled sharply, saying, "We don't know anything about it yet. Anyway, she doesn't want to learn to use it."

"I know, David. But she's our daughter. We can't allow ourselves to be afraid of what she can do," Mary Margaret said, disappointed in herself for her own thoughts.

Hook came up from behind them, slightly startling them, which also got Y/n's attention as she looked up from the ground. She walked up to her parents and Hook, stopping with them to say, "What's going on?"

Hook kneeled in front of them, avoiding Emma's ears as he whispered, "Pan paid me a visit." The three in front of him perked up at his words. "He, um... He told me that Neal is alive, and that he's on this very island."

"Emma saw him, he was shot," Mary Margaret said, shaking her head in disbelief. "He fell through a portal. No one can survive that."

"Well, he did. And now he's here." Hook assured, and Y/n let out a breath of shock. "He said he took him from this very camp while we were off in his cave."

"If Pan is even telling the truth," Y/n stated with a shake of her head. "This could be a deterrent to lead us off of Henry's course, for all we know."

"Why would he tell you? What does he hope to gain?" David questioned.

Hook gave a glance to Y/n before looking down at the ground and shaking his head, saying, "Who knows why he does anything? He has his reasons, but it's a sure bet they're not good ones."

Only Be Dark: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now